milan285 post at 2015-11-29 21:59:35

Who would like to see a Orange pi fm radio

So i was thinking of using this git to make an fm radio out of the pi
i can make an strong anntena so it can go up to like 2-3 km
tell me what you think.

chaszim post at 2015-12-30 09:02:39

Edited by chaszim at 2015-12-30 09:06

Maybe you should re ask that question with, if Orange Pi, could be use with a SDR dongle, to receive radio?
What bands would you like it to cover if it could?Several of the USB dongles, sold for ATSC TV dongles, can be user with GNU Radio and C#'s program.
There's already several Ham related software apps available in many Linux repoaitories.
The OPI could make these applications a lot more portable.
I'm partial to the SDR as a spectrum analyze, but, I hate tying up a full service PC just to play with it.

milan285 post at 2016-1-2 19:20:41

I was thinking about this Module but i want atleast 500m,so what antenna should i use

WereCatf post at 2016-1-31 07:12:41

Do you have a license to operate radio-transmitters in the first place? If not you could run afoul of several laws and if your project disturbed licensed radio-operations you could end up getting quite hefty fines.

milan285 post at 2016-2-1 01:14:20

nopressure post at 2016-5-14 07:04:44

I mean to broadcast at least in the USA is kind of hard just because is so many regulations just to broadcast somethin live even if is FM modulated or OTA video. But ifyou live on a small town you can provably get away with it and just have some fun testing the result.

milan285 post at 2016-5-14 15:04:43

I live in Serbia ,in a small town so only if i could get my signal to be around 50km i would get cought,even then who would know that im sending it
i ordered the parts for the project,they will arrive in about 20 days

Tina post at 2017-8-14 12:51:49

Pirate Radio lives :P
BTW it is illegal in the EU too, to operate a unlicensed radio station.
even then who would know that im sending it
There are little vans with antennas on the roof and they are quite accurate,but maybe you do not have them in Serbia...

sryou812 post at 2017-8-28 06:20:47

That project is for a GPIO pin and not for a module so you will have to change the code also it has a built in antenna so a bigger one will have to be powered and soldered to the board.
As for SDR a chipset with RTL2832Uchipset will work it is usually sold as a DVR TV usb stick and comes with a external antenna software could be GQRX Kali has this tool built inyeah I know long time without a release but you can try Katoolin which give you the packages olny it will probably work on Armbian

ibinti post at 2018-8-25 06:57:22

it is illegal to make strange noises with your mouth that might trigger certain illegal frequencies
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