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  • 11# cbm80
  • 2016-3-17 18:03:26
quote: Kortsen replied at 2016-3-16 00:30
I'm going to try Armbian on the OPI-PC when I get an OPI-Lite. The Lite will be my Android board a ...

Forget about Android on 512MB. OPiPC images are optimized for 1GB of RAM. I tried some of them on my OPiOne but mostly they are slow or very slow because of lack of memory (and relatively slow SD card). It's better to use Lite in OpenELEC.

  • 12# zgoda
  • 2016-3-18 07:50:18
quote: cbm80 replied at 2016-3-17 18:00
Thanks for the info. I bought only 1 dongle. 8192 is also quite common in most distros so I hope i ...

You have drivers for 8192cu in kernel staging. Nothing for 8192eu (and best bet is you'd never get). So it's not the same beast.
Edited by nopnop2002 at 2016-3-29 04:35
quote: cbm80 replied at 2016-3-17 18:00
Thanks for the info. I bought only 1 dongle. 8192 is also quite common in most distros so I hope i ...

This module works with Debian_jessie.

1.sudo apt-get install firmware-ralink
/lib/firmware is made.

2.sudo mkdir /lib/firmware/rtlwifi/

3.Download [rtl8192cufw.bin] from here and copy to [/lib/firmware/rtlwifi/]


5.nmcli device
You will find wlan1

6.sudo nmcli d wifi connect {SSID of AP}  password {Password of AP}

  • 14# admin
  • 2016-4-20 09:28:19
when it could make a bulk production, i will release information
We can ship Orange Pi Lite on May 6.
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