Forum > Openelec
@GUTEK@ 看全部
2016-2-5 02:09:54
Edited by @GUTEK@ at 2016-2-5 16:42


I prepared OpenELEC (version 03-02-2016, Kodi 16 Jarvis RC3) for Orange Pi PC with support for DVB and TV tuners (tested on Pinnacle PCTV 72e and no-name IT9135 tuner), active i2c bus (tested operation bmp180 and lcd 16x2) and w1 (tested DS18B20).
link: http://www53.zippyshare.com/v/91TJ9H5L/file.html

To work is required server television TVHeadend:
link: http://www7.zippyshare.com/v/os7H88Gu/file.html

and the addition of TV client PVR.HTS:
link: http://www7.zippyshare.com/v/UcrtwwOQ/file.html

Additionally I compiled a few additions from the unofficial repository:
dvb-apps - http://www7.zippyshare.com/v/45SQfLEg/file.html (You can check the proper functioning of tuner in the console)
Midnight Commander - http://www7.zippyshare.com/v/zAVN7xsu/file.html
wget - http://www7.zippyshare.com/v/ZEaOfzmQ/file.html
htop - http://www7.zippyshare.com/v/3t1p0Arn/file.html
i2c-tools - http://www7.zippyshare.com/v/ykkZokDM/file.html (Required to operate the i2c bus)
hd-idle - http://www7.zippyshare.com/v/34CozYuZ/file.html
php - http://www7.zippyshare.com/v/KaA24DNO/file.html
vim - http://www7.zippyshare.com/v/lBn25i5f/file.html

some photos:

(Sorry for my english, I use google translator)

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jernej 看全部
2016-2-5 02:49:54
Edited by jernej at 2016-2-4 20:44

Great! Can you share your changes to kernel configuration file? I would like to include them.
melanrz 看全部
2016-2-5 03:48:45
roblad 看全部
2016-2-5 06:37:39

Odezwij sie na Priv.

@GUTEK@ 看全部
2016-2-5 16:29:48
Edited by @GUTEK@ at 2016-2-5 16:40

Widzę sami nasi tutaj hehe
Docelowo to planuje ten OpenELEC odpalić na OPi One, ale jeszcze mi nie przysłali. I muszę cos pokombinować z odbiornikiem pilota na gpio, znalazłem takie cos pod RPi ale nie wiem czy uda mi się odpalić - http://aron.ws/projects/lirc_rpi/

My version of the config file for the iPC. However, it requires some amendments, you will see during compilation.
Additionally, I had to copy files from kernel loboris to operate bus w1 - w1_sunxi.
link: http://www80.zippyshare.com/v/Yg1xXFBZ/file.html

TV does not work perfectly, amendments are required in kodi:
- Does not work to switch channels, kodi crash. You have to stop playback and select a different channel. However switching channels it works  when I'm in the epg.
- If it is enabled deinterlacing artifacts appear in the image during fast scenes.
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