Orange Pi PC doesn't run Android! 看全部

Edited by h@net at 2016-2-12 04:42

Hi all, I'm a beginner with OPi PC
Well on OPi PC I'm running raspbian properly but if i try to write the android image on the sd I get:1
1-using Win32 Disk image --> no result (the sd is wrote properly but OPI PC do not turn on at all)
2-using phoenix card 3.10 --> I can wrote the sd but OPI has a flashing red led light but no OS is booted..

Any suggesrtion?
I'm using this image (from the orange site) Android image

Thanks in advance

  • Sofa h@net
  • 2016-2-16 15:23:50
Everybody are able to run Android in OPi PC perfectly?
the Android that you download is in chinese
When using Phoenix card set write mode to "startup".

Some androids only boot when the power button is pushed.