Forum > General discussion
faddat 看全部
2016-2-18 00:24:46
As far as I know, no one has got ethernet working yet.  

Soon, I will wear my kubernetes necklace of triumph.  -- except it's not going to be a kubernetes necklace of triumph.  It is going to be a github.com/klouds/kdaemon necklace of triumph!
geev03 看全部
2016-3-22 15:41:58


My opi pc has same 48 bogomips

opi-pc can have even more Bogomips than commercial 32-core processor based systems!
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jcdr 看全部
2016-10-4 01:50:28
Hi, I design a custom board using the H3. According to http://linux-sunxi.org/Linux_mainlining_effort#Status_Matrix only the EMAC and CSI are missing from the mainline kernel to run the expected applications on that board. But the WIP indication suggest that some peoples are already working on them.

For the EMAC I found this patch that seem to be already usable http://lists.infradead.org/piper ... ptember/455663.html Maybe there is a repository somewhere with a even more advanced version of this patch ?

For the CSI I have only found a patch for the clock. Did someone have more ? This is of special interest for me because on my design a use a FPGA to convert the MIPI CSI-2 two lanes of a image sensor into the DVP signals accepted by the H3 and this have obvious implication on the code used to configure the sensor by I2C. So If a get a chance to hack on a code that is likely hit the mainline, I will probably save time.
LinuXperia 看全部
2016-10-8 23:49:05
Edited by LinuXperia at 2016-10-8 23:56


jcdr replied at 2016-10-4 01:50
Hi, I design a custom board using the H3. According to http://linux-sunxi.org/Linux_mainlining_effor ...

Not sure if you have seen it but it looks like that for the CSI Work in Progress part M. Ripard is assigned.
For contacting him direct see his email here => https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linu ... me+Ripard&showmsg=1

He is also from what i see the one responsible to insert the sunxi patches to the mainline kernel source.


M. Ripard is now the official mainline Linux kernel maintainer of the Allwinner A1X SoC ARM subarchitecture (arch/arm/mach-sunxi/).

Would be great if you could tell him about the EMAC driver you linked to be inseted as fast as possible if it is proved to work!
jp-theroux 看全部
2016-10-14 14:44:50

does anyone knows if anyone did the kernel corrections for midi support

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