prob1 USB Port Not Working & Ethernet not working 看全部

Edited by sYnced at 2016-3-2 03:13

Hello guys,

I just bought a OPI-PC 2 months ago, but it only arrived on last week. I'm having some troubles with it, i cant put ethernet cable working(it works with my computer and another devices) but orange pi dont recognizes... And also only 1 USB port not working the last one, on vertical. At the begin it only works one port but ive replaced the kernel files, but now i have 2 working but i need the third one working too, anyone know how i cant solve ethernet & the last usb port ?

Im using ubuntu prepared for OrangePi-PC, and ive already used lubuntu, but the same problem...

thank you

You're not saying what image you're trying. Try e.g. Armbian ( where all the USB-ports and Ethernet are known to work.
  • Bench sYnced
  • 2016-3-2 03:15:28

thanks for your reply! im using Ubuntu 15.04 with Mate Desktop... So if i use that OS all ports and ethernet will work ? it haves desktop ?

Thank you

  • Floor sYnced
  • 2016-3-2 09:06:47
quote: WereCatf replied at 2016-3-1 10:05
You're not saying what image you're trying. Try e.g. Armbian ( where all the USB-po ...

Im having troubles, i cant install it on sd card(armbian, but i wanted) ive tried to pick the 0.img into raw file but it didnt worked, and the programs dont work on my pc, dont detect the SD card and etc...

quote: sYnced replied at 2016-3-2 09:06
Im having troubles, i cant install it on sd card(armbian, but i wanted) ive tried to pick the ...

Then use another app to write the image, like e.g. win32diskimager.