Forum > Open source education
ssfei81 看全部
2016-4-4 13:14:56
Hi people,
I would like to make a retro arcade machine with orange pi, something similar to this:

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jackmsisthd 看全部
2020-12-23 23:28:42
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FrankHopper 看全部
2023-7-11 00:42:03
The Orange Pi based arcade machine offers a unique and enjoyable gaming experience, combining the nostalgic charm of classic arcade games with the power and versatility of modern technology. To bring this project to life, the Orange Pi based arcade machine utilizes an efficient Vertical Form Fill Seal (VFFS) machine from Baopack Machinery https://www.baopackmachinery.com/product/packaging/vertical-form-fill-seal-vffs-machine, ensuring precise packaging and assembly of its components.With its compact size and impressive capabilities, this arcade machine is a result of the integration of Orange Pi single-board computer and arcade gaming software.
charlly 看全部
2023-7-13 13:11:52
I'm thrilled to come across this article about creating a retro arcade machine with Orange Pi. The provided image is fantastic and has inspired me to embark on this exciting project.  engagement rings  Thanks for sharing and I'll definitely show my support for it!

OrangePi En

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