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Salve, ho appena acquistato un orange pi pc, ho installato l'immagine rasbian per orange pi, faccio il logon ma non riesco a vedere il dock, resta nascosto nel mio samsung in basso non visibile, ho provato a configurare i margini ma nulla, resta sempre nascosto. Inoltre come riesco a collegarlo al mio wi-fi di casa?
Grazie in anticipo.
  • Sofa bhgv
  • 2016-5-28 08:01:01
use this one - Lubuntu_jacer_02.rar, no raspbian
http://www.orangepi.org/orangepi ... 05&extra=page=1

and i don't understand italian. maybe because noone answer you. here is a good thing - https://translate.google.com
quote: bhgv replied at 2016-5-28 08:01
use this one - Lubuntu_jacer_02.rar, no raspbian
http://www.orangepi.org/orangepibbsen/forum.php?mod ...

LOL I remember you, always share good things
  • Floor bhgv
  • 2016-6-7 23:20:20
quote: yh75847584 replied at 2016-6-7 14:40
LOL I remember you, always share good things

i remember you too. you are inter-continent one (new zeland - ireland - china) who came here to look to new friends. i like your responces in threads here.