Forum > Lubuntu
hajoPi 看全部
2017-1-11 21:43:01
looks gr8!!
leonidy-85 看全部
2017-1-16 10:00:32


Dissel replied at 2017-1-9 15:29
Can anybody help me with logging in without keyboard? When enabling onboard keyboard in logging scre ...

sudo apt install onboard
LucasMFortal 看全部
2017-2-9 23:18:35
Runs great here, although there is no network drivers for both ethernet nor wireless on my Orange Pi Plus 2e.... It would be greato to have drivers for all orangepi family products!! thank you!!
rob76 看全部
2017-2-14 19:56:28
On my OrangePi PC plus runs great (nice work )
rob76 看全部
2017-2-14 19:57:10
Question is, how to install it to emmc /system does not see emmc/. Can anybody help, please?

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