Ubuntu MATE 16.04 LTS - v0.1 beta - GPU & VPU drivers 看全部

Edited by javimotta98 at 2016-5-31 01:42

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS - MATE Desktop - Mali and vdpau drivers

Hello, this is the first image I've made (and also the first thread in this forum, hello all!) so please don't expect the best performance and keep in mind it may have some bugs After some time using it, I think it's stable enough for everyday use. I'm open to suggestions and advice on how to improve it

Because I wanted to try latest Ubuntu version on my Orange Pi and there wasn't any 16.04 distro here, I tried to modify the Loboris image build script to be able to create an Ubuntu xenial (16.04) image... And it worked! Here are the changes I made:

In create_image file:
trusty|utopic|precise|vivid|wily*) --> trusty|utopic|precise|vivid|wily|xenial*)

In install_mate_desktop file:
if [ ! "${_REL}"=jessie" ] && [ ! "${_REL}"=vivid" ] && [ ! "${_REL}"=wily" ]; then --> if [ ! "${_REL}"=jessie" ] && [ ! "${_REL}"=vivid" ] && [ ! "${_REL}"=wily" ] && [ ! "${_REL}"=xenial" ]; then

In install_xfce_desktop file:
if [ ! "${_REL}"=jessie" ] && [ ! "${_REL}"=vivid" ] && [ ! "${_REL}"=wily" ]; then --> if [ ! "${_REL}"=jessie" ] && [ ! "${_REL}"=vivid" ] && [ ! "${_REL}"=wily" ] && [ ! "${_REL}"=xenial" ]; then

In params.sh file:

  • Based on Loboris image
  • English language
  • MATE desktop installed
  • GPU acceleration [Mali r4p0-00rel0 modules and binaries]
  • VPU acceleration [vdpau-sunxi]
  • glmark2-es2 installed for testing
  • mpv and SMPlayer configured for accelerated video playback with vdpau
  • CPU usage, frequency and temperature in top panel
  • Two 1080p h.264 videos for testing (in Videos folder)


To do:
  • Improve performance
  • Switch to a hardware accelerated composite manager
  • Increase CMA memory (memory used for video decoding)
  • Install Kodi

User: orangepi
Password: orangepi

File info:
Compressed file: 1.09 GiB - MD5: f24cd0d26278fdf33876cbfa353d3835
Uncompressed file: 2.83 GiB - MD5: ccf746c7b4ceffb7cb37f35ac4ee861e

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!yNNx0RZZ!A6O2kD_VtWWGlHhPR-acAk3vXWq3NSH_Wpc5zbR-mHs
Google Drive: https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0B595BwgvkDicXzZMdjRHMEc2MFE

Youtube in browser not support, lags
have you consider the security root problem?  Thanks for your good work
quote: simplyngo replied at 2016-5-10 10:46
have you consider the security root problem?  Thanks for your good work

Not in this version, but I'll try to include the patch in next release
Wow, great work!

How much effort would it take to get onto a 4.x kernel?
  • 5# jacer
  • 2016-5-26 20:51:58
@javimotta98  Bravo. Keep up the good work.
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