Forum > Open source education
ElmarH 看全部
2016-5-18 21:50:18
Edited by ElmarH at 2016-5-18 14:52


I want provide Plop Linux for the Orange Pi. I already made Plop Linux available for the Raspberry Pi, Banana Pi and the Cubietruck. I would like to add the Orange Pi to that list. The sample Board would help me to do the job.

Best regards
Elmar Hanlhofer
Single choicepoll, A total of people voted

90.00% (18)

10.00% (2)

amir.khan-amir 看全部
2018-10-12 13:33:01
sounds good!
MUzair33 看全部
2018-10-12 14:00:00
any link to plop linux images?

OrangePi En

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