No menu while playing movie with Kodi and retrorange pi 看全部

Hallo guys!

I recently got a Orange pi pc and installed the retrorange pi OS!
Emulation works great!
Kodi works too!
But I have a very big problem with KODI while streaming.
I can't access the menu to play forward, back etc...
I can't open this OSD menu with the bar to pause stop play the file or add a subtitle...
I press OK, M, actually everything on my keyboard, but nothing happens :/

Anyone who has any idea or can give me a tip?
This is driving me crazy :/
Have reinstalled whole OS but the menu wont occur while streaming :/
MY problem is smthg like this: ... ck_menu_or_buttons/

Any1 can help?
Can we deactivate the hardware acceleration somehow?

thanks in advance
quote: zacharias99 replied at 2016-8-20 18:24
MY problem is smthg like this: ...

you can try this: right click the file you want to play and select VideoPlayer (or DvdPlayer ) to use builtin one instead.

you can also try to move away / change /home/pi/.kodi/userdata/playercorefactory.xml, which contains MPV default player config
TRied both still no menu :/ Nevermind, changed to pandroid and openelec and everything works like a charm!
Thx for your time though!