Tutoriales de Orange pi+ en Español 看全部

Edited by Freliix at 2015-4-30 01:58

Hello friends, I am a university student of Electronic Engineering, I have two youtube channel and a blog. I would like to tutorials orange pi +. Share this platform in south america. Give me your approval? . Pondre of reference your Aliexpress page.

Soon will arrive my orange pi+

personal channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0j7D0295s_-zgtyfERG60Q
second channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbUi42_wMj3kI1x44vNfLYw
web: http://microstronic.blogspot.com/

Therefore, I hereby apply for a test sample of the Orange Pi. If you need further information, please let me know.

Me ayudan?           Gracias

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2 Likes :3
Suerte, espero para ver tus  reseñas.
quote: t3l3m4k0 replied at 2015-4-24 03:04
Suerte, espero para ver tus  reseñas.

Gracias por su voto amigo, y are mi mejor trabajo.
Otro por aqui que te sigue!
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