Ok, the DAC arrived yesterday. Connected it to a RPi B running Volumio to test it, works great! I tried to figure out how to connect it to the Orange Pi, but did not succeed yet. On the RPi, I used the P5 header to connect the DAC to the following pins:
Orange (MCLK) > not connected
Yellow (GND) > Pin 7 (GND)
White: (DATA) > Pin 6 (GPIO31)
Red (LRCK) > Pin 4 (GPIO29/I2C0_SCL)
Black (BCK) > Pin 3 (GPIO28/I2C0_SDA)
Red (+5V) > Pin 1 (5V)
Black (GND) > not connected
I was trying to find the corresponding pins in the Orange Pi manual, but apart from +5V and GND, I am not sure which pins to use and how to assign them...
Hoping for the Linux gurus now to help me further...