Forum > Kodi(XBMC)
2015-10-22 16:50:29

Donwload versión Raspberry? or other devices? or Kodibuntu
darqoq 看全部
2015-10-23 13:40:18


WINTX replied at 2015-10-22 09:50

Donwload versión Raspberry? or other devices? or Kodibuntu

It depends. What operating system did you installed ?
On Android - working (install from play.google.pl)
On Dietpi - working but without GPU hardware acceleration (see http://www.orangepi.org/orangepi ... &fromuid=144740)
On Debian - not working (it is NOT possible to install, see http://www.orangepi.org/orangepi ... &fromuid=144740)
On Raspbian - not working (it is possible to install but, not possible to run, see http://www.orangepi.org/orangepi ... wthread&tid=410)

ryshard 看全部
2015-11-17 04:35:37


shwan replied at 2015-6-10 00:50
Installed it on my Android partition, runs like a dream - much smoother than the RPI2.
Played everyt ...

Like a dream ? Hdmi- CEC isn't working, supported only i720 and i1080 resolution. RPI is much more compatible. Even X11 remote isn't working. Installing KODI in RPI sdcard, everything works like a dream only slow. On OPI I must connect keyboard and mouse to do something.
lirva1 看全部
2016-10-25 06:38:01


shwan replied at 2015-6-10 00:50
Installed it on my Android partition, runs like a dream - much smoother than the RPI2.
Played everyt ...

Are you using  an Orange Pi PC for Kodi?
lirva1 看全部
2016-10-25 06:40:29
I have an Orange Pi One. Would it be a better choice for kodi than using RPi2?

OrangePi En

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