Edited by Giantofstone at 2017-4-2 01:10
I have managed to find a solution for this issue with Ubuntu 16.04.2 using ladspa pitch shifter plugin and patching pulseaudio output with it so every sound that comes out gets changed from 440Hz to 432hz.
Step 1
Download and install ladspa-sdk
- sudo apt-get install ladspa-sdk
Step 2
Download and install tap-plugins
- sudo apt-get install tap-plugins
Step 3
Find out your audio output sink name
- pacmd list-sinks | grep -e 'name:' -e 'index'
Step 4
Configure ladspa pitch shifter plugin to work with pulseaudio
- pacmd load-module module-ladspa-sink sink_name=ladspa_out master=alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo plugin=tap_pitch label=tap_pitch control=-0.3176665363342977,0,-90,0
Change master to your own output device found in step 3. -0.3176665363342977 is the precise semitone change from 440Hz to 432Hz.
Step 5
Now select your brand new audio output device in pulseaudio settings.
After everything is done you can play everything that uses the standard 440Hz pitch at the natural 432Hz frequency, you can even use it as sound converter from 440Hz to 432Hz for any input.
To unload sink: