Forum > Openelec
danman 看全部
2017-3-1 07:20:47
Hi all,

I wanted to better utilize my OPI so I created chroot with Debian in my OpenELEC. Now I have nginx, openvpn, samba, webcam and other deamons running on my OPI.
If someone would be interrested, I wrote a manual how to set it up here: https://blog.danman.eu/orangepi-installing-debian-chroot-into-openelec/

I'm looking forward for your comments.

darqoq 看全部
2017-3-1 16:29:51
Great job,

One comment, "second-stage" doesn't have to be made on OpenELEC, it can be done on your host using /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static


  1. apt install qemu-user-static
  2. host:# cp /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static debian_armhf/usr/bin/ && chroot debian_armhf && rm debian_armhf/usr/bin/qemu-arm-static
  3. I have no name!@host:/# ./debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage

danman 看全部
2017-3-1 17:58:15
Thanks for your comment. I don't like installing utilities I'll use only once so I decided to finish it natively on OPI.
mswiniuch 看全部
2017-3-1 22:12:20
It may be better to have a clean Debian with Kodi from Jerney's OpenElec...
danman 看全部
2017-3-4 21:19:34
Ok, now I did it vice-versa. OpenELEC chroot on Armbian, check here: https://blog.danman.eu/orangepi- ... hroot-into-armbian/
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