OrangePi 2G-IOT: Ubuntu Server only boots one time 看全部

Hi folks

I have an issue with the Usuntu Server image for que OrangePi 2G-IOT.

These are the steps I follow (at least 5 times).

1. Download Image and write:

2. Boot up with the TF Card first time, only one FAILED (OK):

3. Config the OPi (some bugs), only works the options: 0, 1 and 2:

4. Reboot the Orange Pi (OK):

5. The Orange Pi can´t boot again (I tryed to boot at least 5 times):

Please help me!!!!

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  • 推荐 drazvan
  • 2017-4-25 19:03:31
The sound driver is causing that, do a "sudo apt-get purge –auto-remove alsa-utils" on the first boot and then subsequent boots will work. That is unless you need sound, I have no solution for that yet.
Thank you, It's working now!!!!
This fixed my issue as well. Thanks for sharing
Hi I have almost the same problem, I did what you show in the images, but I can't see the boot information, the putty screen appear in blank, can you help me with this issue?
