Edited by TheLinuxBug at 2018-2-26 09:55
Hey All!
Today we are happy to release H3Droid version 1.3.3 which includes some long awaited bug fixes and a few new features! 
As of this release there has been 7,890 downloads of H3Droid!
What makes H3droid special?
- Plenty of H3 boards supported (and the rest should require simple reconfiguration)
- Universal native installer (only 176MB for fully working system, no need for windows)
- Mainline uboot
- Changed partition layout
- Support for different usb-wifi dongles:
- realtek: 8188/8192cu, 8188eu, 8812/8821au
- ralink: 5370 and similar
- mediatek: 7601u
- broadcom: 6212
- Touchscreens: compatible with usbtouchscreen.ko and few i2c/spi
- Custom video modes in native resolution: 800x480 1024x600 1024x768 1280x1024 1360x768
- H3resc: custom recovery, configuration and updating system
- Working powermenu (reboot/poweroff)
- /data/rc.local for user customizable init
- navbar+sysbar
- ssh server with key access
- Virtual kb disabled when using physical kb
- Support for installing and dual booting Armbian
- micropython, i2c/spi kernel modules enabled for tinkering
- gps modules can be made working with user help
New / Fixed in H3Droid version 1.3.3:
- Added: Custom resolutions, NATIVE, not scaled. settable via h3resc:
- 800x480, 1024x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024, 1360x768
- Resolution settings have now been removed from Android
- Added: Power menu, to activate long-press power button in navbar, then:
- Reboot: short press - normal reboot
- Reboot: long press - h3resc
- Poweroff: short press - h3fakeoff (clean android shutdown with wake up handler)
- Added: Screen timeout is now enabled (120min) and configurable
- Added: Auto-hide on-screen keyboard when physical keyboard is connected
- Added: Usb dongle: realtek 8821/8812au (untested)
- Added: Red Gear Controller keymap (2563:0523)
- Added: i2c-tiny-usb.ko (attiny85), proxy.ko, virtual_touchscreen.ko
- Added: Config cache to h3resc and installer (wifi, change-fex, change-uboot)
- Added: Progress feedback in installer
- Added: Vendor_0eef_Product_0001.idc
- Added: New kernel modules:
- gpio-buttons
- touchscreens: eeti_ts (i2c/spi), cypress ttsp (i2c/spi), egalax_ts (i2c) and few others
- Cypress M8 USB Serial
- Qualcomm Serial modem
- USB 2.0 SVGA dongle (Net2280/SiS315)
- Added: Installer now creates /data/swapfile (128M)
- Fixed: Salmon (red/pink) screen workaround
- Fixed: sshd ptmx bug (rootsh/ssh can be used more than once now)
- Fixed: Pointer hotspot
- Fixed: rtl8192cu (8188cu) ..again
- Fixed: Assorted small fixes to h3resc and h3droid:
- ssh key regen adds missing newline and removes old files
- 1stboot dmesg is saved to /data/tmp
- Added fdisk and resize
- Added real sed to h3resc
- Populate env variables for rclocal
- Fixed: ip-up/down-pppoe (might fix pppoe)
Please check out the 'How it Looks' page as the layout has changed a bit!
We encourage all users to also re-read the updated H3ii and H3resc pages as some of the options have changed!
Also, take a moment to check out our blog, we will be making more posts there as time goes on!
If you have time to be an development build tester we would welcome you to come by our IRC channel #H3droid on Freenode IRC network and get in touch with us. We are happy to provide development access to those who have time to go through the image and provide useful feedback. We have added a development channel to auto-update in H3resc for those who participate, however, it is a hidden option which you will need to come chat with us to get!
Thanks again to everyone who has provided their time and support to H3Droid!