how to make H3Droid into sd card 看全部

hi,I am new in linux,i cant understand the H3Droid usage,expecially step 3.4,i have tried but failed.can someone give me some picture in every step?thx
  • Sofa tlmwt
  • 2017-6-14 19:05:09
any img for lite? i need it
Edited by DrDexter at 2017-6-15 13:12

Step 1: Install or run live cd Linux. (I use Ubuntu live CD)
Step 2: Connect your cart reader or insert SD cart
Step 3: Open terminal and type lsblk -l you will see list of all your hard drives with ID's
Step 4: Check under what ID is your sd cart or cart reader and remember
Step 5: (Optional)Type in terminal sudo ssh-keygen agree with all requests, set file name as h3droid and skip pass phraze
Step 6: Go to Gpart application and delete all partitions on your SD cart (also you will see your SD cart ID there)
Step 7: (Optional if you made step 5) Go home folder and copy file to h3droid installer folder
Step 8: Find in h3droid installer folder 00_conf file and edit it.
You will see:
# either define OUTDEV in your script or add it here:

Just remove # sign before one of the lines and change X in te end of the line to your SD card ID
Usually for USB cart readers its sda and for laptop cart readers its mmcblk0, but yours can be another
Step 9: Open terminal in h3droid installer folder and drag to terminal add sudo before and hit enter. Follow instructions (choose upgrade, your model u-boot and your model fex)
  • Floor tlmwt
  • 2017-6-15 12:51:00
quote: DrDexter replied at 2017-6-15 10:42
Step 1: Install or run live cd Linux. (I use Ubuntu live CD)
Step 2: Connect your cart reader or ins ...

thanks a lot .i know where i may make a mistake.#OUTDEV=/dev/sdX,
i remove the #,but i did not chang X. i  will try again .thank you
  • 5# tlmwt
  • 2017-6-15 13:29:30
quote: DrDexter replied at 2017-6-15 10:42
Step 1: Install or run live cd Linux. (I use Ubuntu live CD)
Step 2: Connect your cart reader or ins ...

hi are you on line?
i clean up the sdcard, make  #OUTDEV=/dev/sdX become #OUTDEV=/dev/sdb
and then .  but i failed again. there is no sign for the opi lite work.

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