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Tina 看全部
2017-7-15 18:01:31
@admin/Steven/anyone of Xunlong who cares...
What sensors are you building??? It would be god if you could post a little more than pics only :/
What are:
1. the different models,
2. the exact tech specs,
3. when will they be available to order and
4. how much will they be?
whr2003 看全部
2017-7-15 19:07:12
Wa,looks very good
hojnikb 看全部
2017-8-13 21:07:11
Any word on when the sensors are going to be available ?
sryou812 看全部
2017-8-28 05:20:29
Edited by sryou812 at 2017-8-28 05:25

Sorry Everybody but these senors look like the standard arduino sort and theirfore i don't see what is the big deal (if wiringpi woks....)
As for what the sensors are google the names. DS18B20 is a digital temperature sensorthe data is here https://create.arduino.cc
However if a add on board was produced that would be a break thru for all of those that can't/don't want to solder or are plain not interested.

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