Forum > Network and servers
phobos_jv 看全部
2017-6-20 14:59:28
Edited by phobos_jv at 2017-6-20 15:01

Hello friends.

I made a balanced web server with 4 orange pi zero. It serves a tutorial about the project and a blog. It's spanish, but it has several photos and schemas.


Full tutorial here (5 articles)
1 - Intro
2 - Components
3 - Install Dietpi & Webmin
4 - Install Haproxy and Nginx
5 - Data Replication


janusz 看全部
2018-1-17 21:30:42
It gives me a timeout.
sypperpit 看全部
2018-1-25 04:03:15
hi, you want create http://www.claspi.org/ ?
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