Forum > Debian
pluto0327 看全部
2017-11-17 00:16:23
I try to make my orange pi one connect my iphone to internet via USB.

First, I write ubuntu_lxde_desktop_OrangePione_v0_9_1.img to my sd card
Second, I install ipheth-utils package
Third, I plug  it into  orange pi one

I can't see any message above sharing internet
JacksonBromilo 看全部
2021-11-23 01:00:54
You have a great question. It is amazing how popular and useful the iPhone has become. By connecting your iPhone to the internet via USB, your computer will be able to access iphone storage or iphone camera, but if the issue is that iphone is disabled try again in 15 minutes, then get it from here and get Mobitrix useful information. Good luck!
RobertChong 看全部
2024-7-26 04:04:39
This post was finally edited by RobertChong at 2024-7-30 21:02

It's especially relevant for me lately
RobertChong 看全部
2024-7-30 21:07:04
Thank you for sharing your experience, guys!
Lorrypan 看全部
2024-7-30 21:13:14
I've been exploring various tools to enhance my browsing experience while using my setup, and one challenge I've faced is ensuring a safe search environment. For those concerned about filtering search results effectively, I've found a service that's been a game-changer for me moonlock.com/safesearch This tool not only helps in filtering out inappropriate content but also ensures that my browsing is secure, especially when I'm experimenting with new projects. It integrates seamlessly, and I appreciate how it adds an extra layer of safety. Is anyone else here using specific tools to enhance their browsing security?

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