OPi Plus Remote Desktop 看全部

Edited by wbatie at 2015-6-9 03:33

I have an Orange Pi Plus which runs on Raspbian and Lubuntu. To save money I would like to use Remote Desktop from Windows 7 or MAC. I have tried installing xrdp with openssh, which works fine on my Raspberry Pi2, as well as others . Has anyone been successful doing this?
Install tightvncserver:
sudo apt-get install tightvncserver
vncserver :1 -geometry 1280x800 -depth 16 -pixelformat rgb565
Then you can connect to Orange On from PC using VNC Viewer (port "1").
My images (Debian & Ubuntu) have support for x2go server, much better than rdp or vnc.
There are client for Linux, Windovs, OSX...

  • Floor jacer
  • 2015-9-30 00:21:04
quote: loboris replied at 2015-6-19 22:40
My images (Debian & Ubuntu) have support for x2go server, much better than rdp or vnc.
There are cli ...

Not workin, cannot connect.
work ok on laboris images but need to script install runing first