Was just curious about the partitions.
I don't think it is OPi specific, I think it has something to do with the distro missing something (I did install python which the start.sh calls but it made no difference). You can try yourself if you have the time, it happened on Utopic image built using your method too. This same installation works on Raspberry Pi 2 (Raspbian and Minibian, Wheezy and Jessie), Banana Pi (Igor's images, Bananian) and ODROID-C1 Lubuntu.
git clone https://github.com/blindpet/MediaServerInstaller
cd MediaServerInstaller
bash install.sh
Choose Plex.
Plex will be installed to /usr/lib/plexmediaserver and is started using start.sh through an init.d script.
I have tried running "./Plex Media Server" as per your suggestion, you can just escape the special characters and it works the same as quotes ./Plex\ Media\ Server but that isn't working either. I even renamed the file to PlexMediaServer and it still says the file doesn't exist.