Orange Pi Plus Debian 0.9 Unstable + Quick Benchmarks 看全部

I was benchmarking the device again with the updated image. vsftpd actually works now so that's great.
I am most interested in the SATA speeds, they are still behind the A20 units.

SATA 1 GB writing to FTP server - 14.1 MB/s
SATA 1 GB reading from FTP server - 27 MB/s

USB errors when doing same test it lost power or something (using official power supply), it then became /dev/sdc1

Error when reading/writing to USB hard drive, happens every single time. The hard drive and usb enclosure is only ever used for benchmarking and works on other devices.

  1. <div>Message from syslogd@orangepiplus at Jan  1 00:03:45 ...</div><div> kernel:[  219.387785] journal commit I/O error</div>

USB 1 GB reading/writing to/from FTP server was 30 MB/s