Forum > Lubuntu
zezba9000 看全部
2015-7-9 03:16:24
Does the sunxi-mali 400 driver work in LUbuntu?
I would like to start doing some GLES2 work but the Video driver has issues compiling.
Does this driver work: https://github.com/linux-sunxi/sunxi-mali
Or should I be using this: https://github.com/orangepi-xunlong/sunxi-mali

Or is the driver built in like I would have expected?  Is LUbuntu the best GNU OS to be using for GLES2 on the Orange Pi?

I have a Orange Pi Mini 2.
zhao_steven 看全部
2015-7-26 20:54:05
GLES2 have be  finished through software. But it is very slow.  I'm debugging hardware acceleration. Have many progress.
zhao_steven 看全部
2015-7-26 21:47:49
I have finished Orange Pi and Orange Pi mini mali400 gpu and G2D driver.
http://www.orangepi.org/orangepi ... amp;tid=53#lastpost

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