Forum > Beginners
orangepie14 看全部
2018-12-1 05:14:43
Hi All,

I'm using Orange Pi for the first time. I'm having issues getting the PC to power on. Initially I was using a 5v 2A power adaptor and when powered on used to get the red light on the board, however I was unable to boot. After browsing on youtube, I found that the issue could be with the power adaptor not supplying enough power consistently.

I bought a new power adaptor(5v 3A), and now I'm unable to power on the Pi as I'm not getting the red power light, not event with the old adaptor, instead the LAN lights stay on. It is not booting either from the class 10 8 GB SD card which is formatted and loaded with rasbian OS. I'm not getting any display on the monitor which is connected to the Pi using HDMI cable.

Model: Orange Pi PC Pic attached.

Any help is appreciated.

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topsbr 看全部
2020-7-1 03:18:32
Edited by topsbr at 2020-7-1 03:19

Hello people...

Problem solved!!!

1) I downloaded the SD Formatter card and formatted my memory card, with that, I was sure that it was good;

2) I downloaded Etcher again;

3) I downloaded the image from the Armbian website, the Armbian Buster, located here => https://dl.armbian.com/orangepipc/Buster_current

4) I generated the image on the card using Etcher;

5) I put the card in the Orange PI PC and I could see the green led on the board light up ...

I used this documentation as a help => https://docs.armbian.com/User-Gu ... o-prepare-a-sd-card

And I watched this video that also helped me => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqNjbD3YHug

Thank you all!
igorpec 看全部
2018-12-1 16:11:16
orangepie14 看全部
2018-12-4 17:42:23
Thank you for the links.

If I power on the Orange PI PC without any SD card, will it boot to a BIOS kind of screen?
Also without the SD Card I should atleast get the red light right?
orangepie14 看全部
2018-12-4 19:05:30
Looks like there is no problem with the Power Adaptor.

I used Etcher to flash the SD card with Ubuntu Xenial, and now when I power on, get a solid green and blinking red light(blinks twice). Does that mean the SD card is faulty?
igorpec 看全部
2018-12-7 16:13:28
> Does that mean the SD card is faulty?

Read the documentation and wait a few minutes.
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