orange pi 3 h6 mpcie ssd boot 看全部

Edited by LukasProfit at 2019-2-26 21:45


is it possible to insert mpcie ssd card to orange pi 3 h6? I would like to install debian on mpcie ssd card in easy way the same like on micro sd card and boot system from ssd.
  • Sofa skjiri
  • 2019-3-16 22:05:41
Ahoj. Orange Pi 3 mám asi měsíc. Myslím že po HW stránce je to celkem vychytané. Já si s ní více -méně hraji a pořád tuním. Na Vnitřním eMMC disku využívám Android 7  s KODI. Viber mám také vyzkoušený a různé jiné apky. Debian Desktop Jessie mám na SD kartě a teď ho zkoumám. když zasunu sd kartu tak bootuji z ní, když vysunu bootuji z eMMC disku tzn. bootuje Android. Rád si pokecám o OPI.Teď vyšel nový IMG pro Android.ŘEŠÍM jak ho dostat na eMMC disk.
Můj mail
Hi,i'm currently testing this board, with Debian and Ubuntu. I can install both SO's on onboard nand but when insert an pcie SSD , the board does't detect it.
  • Floor jackoo
  • 2019-7-16 15:02:12
The mpcie has a (hardware) bug.
But somethin shoudl be fixed in kernel 5.2
  • 5# Werner
  • 2019-8-10 21:26:47
PCIe on H6 is broken by design.
" Allwinner H6 has a quirky PCIe controller that doesn't map the PCIe address space properly to CPU, and accessing the PCIe config space, IO space or memory space will need to be wrapped. As Linux doesn't wrap PCIe memory space access, it's not possible to do a proper PCIe controller driver for H6. The BSP kernel modifies the driver to wrap the access, so it's also not generic, and only devices with modified driver will work." ... cite_note-h6-pcie-4