Edited by ekim at 2019-6-28 06:30
Hi, I bought a 3G-iot for a project that I am working on. It is a remote beehive monitoring system. I has it working well with an Arduino and a 2G module however 2G was closed in Australia. This lead me to Orange pi. To be honest, it has not been easy so far. This is the method that I have used to get linux on the 3G, and remote SSH as well as tightVNC. It should work for you too. Any comments are welcome. this is my first experience with orange pi. Hopefully it will make it easier for you.....
The first thing that I recomend is setting up PUTTY so you can see what is happening.
I got it from here.
Install it.
You will need a usb to ttl converter. I used something like this...
Install the required driver on your pc.
Install Putty.
Ok, now connect them
This is the pinout from orange pi 3g
You can see pins 9 is ground. 11 is TX 13 is RX

connect them to your ttl converter gnd-gnd tx-rx rx-tx
now on your pc open settings device manager
and check which com port your adapter is on. Mine is on com 6
Open putty and set the settings These are my settings they are serial, your com port , and speed 921600 now click on serial and ensure flow control is none/ none. Just as in the photos.
Ok, you should be able to start your 3g-iot and see the output on your putty session.
One quite important thing.... when it starts, it pauses on some hashes for a few seconds. This seems to be the only time that you can flash to your orange pi. Remember this! It cost me hours to figure this out!
Ok, next get the drivers and flashing software from the orange pi site.
and the linux image
note user .. root, password .. orangepi
or user ..orangepi , password ..orange pi
Install the driver, and the MTK flash tool.
Now unzip the linux file.
In the linux files is a file called a scatter file. the path to it on my system, in the linux files that you just unzipped is under image, as you can see from my path to it..
C:\Users\miker\Downloads\orange pi\3G_32g4g_linux_emmc_v01_20181129.tar\3G_32g4g_linux_emmc_v01_20181129\3G_32g4g_linux_system\images
Right, start the flashing tool, and add the scatter file to the apropriate box. The rest will auto populate.
Chose DOWNLOAD ONLY to avoid more work...
OK, fingers crossed, you are good to go.
install 3 jumpers.
The first across con 2
the second and third are in parallal orientation to con2
You can see a box to click to download. Clicking it required a bit of timing.
Have putty open and running.
Now plug a usb cable to the 3G-iot as well.
The 3G should start, and you should get info on putty.
If you have device manager running as well, you will see a comport open and close. Watch putty. When you see hashes like in the image below, click the download button.
There is more info in the 3g-iot manual aswell.
OK, congrats, you should have linux on your 3g-iot.
Next I'll post on resizing and SSH