Forum > Debian
giaur500 看全部
2015-10-1 02:50:23
Edited by giaur500 at 2015-10-1 03:19


Debian runs on my orangepi very smoothly. As I can see, there is standard debian repo used. So I have a question - will debian standard kernel work on OrangePi? For example: https://packages.debian.org/stretch/linux-image-4.1.0-2-armmp - will it work?

Looking into debian faq: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianKernel/ARMMP Allwinner is supported?
igorpec 看全部
2015-10-2 04:11:01
Edited by igorpec at 2015-10-1 21:13

You mean on OrangePi plus or Orange PC? Not in a dream (yet). For boards with A20 it might work, but upgrade won't be simple / straitforward  ... and don't expect too much.  It's a general usage kernel for ARM based on www.kernel.org - from main line source.
giaur500 看全部
2015-10-5 02:33:48
I mean OrangePi. So, is there any newer kernel for Debian? I upgraded whole system to Sid and I'm happy with newest software.

But kernel is very old and it annoys me so much. Any thoughts?
giaur500 看全部
2015-10-5 02:34:08
Edited by giaur500 at 2015-10-5 02:36

I mean OrangePi PC. So, is there any newer kernel for Debian? I upgraded whole system to Sid and I'm happy with newest software.

But kernel is very old and it annoys me so much. Any thoughts?
igorpec 看全部
2015-10-8 20:27:06
Manufacturer usually prepare one kernel which barely works and in many cases they don't cooperate with community. (Then they move to new board). Code hasn't been up-streamed, probably nobody is working any more on this, so new kernel can't exists. That's all we got.


There is a community effort to bring mainline Linux to those devices. A10/20 is working fine, but they are old chips. H3 just arrived and I haven't see any progress since then.

There is also no sign of it in u-boot.

OrangePi En

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