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capitanmanco 看全部
2020-5-15 02:04:16
Edited by capitanmanco at 2020-5-18 23:15

Me llamo Nicolas soy un apacionado a la tecnología ya la informática soy estudiante de colombia cursando noveno grado esta plataforma me ha parecio genial para mostrar mis proyectos de robotica gracias a que es una plataforma comunitaria el querido realizar diferentes proyectos entre los cules serian

  • un juguete interativo para mascotas que se mueva desde una plataforma móvil y que pueden obsevar desde una cámara conctada desde la naranja pi
  • un telescopio para configurarlo para que siga una estrella definida atraves de seguimiento de esta
  • Un casco de realidad vitual intentado duplicar la pantalla con el cualquier tipo de sistema operativo especialmente andriod incluidosle auriculares

Ayúdame con un comentario y un gran me gusta

gracias por su atencion y espero su apoyo


My name is Nicolas I am a fan of technology and computing I am a student from Colombia studying ninth grade this platform seemed great to show my robotics projects thanks to the fact that it is a community platform the wanted to carry out different projects among which would be

  • an interactive pet toy that can be moved from a mobile platform and can be viewed from a camera connected from the orange pi
  • a telescope to set it up to follow a defined star through tracking this
  • A virtual reality headset tried to duplicate the screen with any type of operating system, especially Android, including headphones.

thanks for your attention and I hope your support

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jackmsisthd 看全部
2020-11-7 16:51:37
Tips: Disabled or deleted by author , the content is blocked
Albrecht 看全部
2021-3-22 13:55:03
Robotics homework labs domyhomework4me.onl
Hello Nicolas,

Welcome to the OrangePi community,
I'm a robotics teacher at a private school. And I'm curious about your projects. Specifically, I've a couple of questions about the first one: an interactive pet toy. Could you please share the details here and explain what materials you used for it?
Thank you in advance.
seofind 看全部
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seofind 看全部
2021-5-18 21:30:02
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