Forum > General discussion
scargill 看全部
2015-10-5 05:14:11
I'm wondering if this forum is running on an Orange Pi - because it is constantly VERY, VERY slow.

I've tried various images with my Orange Pi PC and the very BEST I can get out of it is...

1. No hardwired eithernet - this won't work on any of the images I've tried.
2. No sound - system not ready or other excuse
3. No serial - node-red reports serial not available
4. Reboot turns the board off - does not reboot - have to cycle power
5. Power button doesn't seem to actually DO anything.

Does anyone have a workign setup - preferably Demian - in which the above actually WORK.  If so could they please point me to the exact image to use - I've spent well over a day on this and it is VERY frustrating.

This is the Orange Pi PC.


loboris 看全部
2015-10-5 05:41:34
Edited by loboris at 2015-10-4 22:48

Try this.
Read instructions carefully, everything should work.
In case of any problem, search the thread.
Power button does nothing in Linux.

geev03 看全部
2015-10-6 17:20:07
Yes, I can confirm the above as my Debian image from that link is working very well.
jacer 看全部
2015-10-7 20:49:22


geev03 replied at 2015-10-6 17:20
Yes, I can confirm the above as my Debian image from that link is working very well.

loboris`s Debian Lubuntu MATE all working, also the official Android for OPI-PC, the file name is sun8iw7p1_android_orangepi_pc_uart0_v0.8.0.rar.
myroman 看全部
2015-10-8 20:13:20
Android image does not work. Or, it works but with lags and very unresponsive. Tried with different cards.

OrangePi En

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