I could use some help with the camera module on my OrangePI plus:
(http://www.aliexpress.com/item/o ... or/32255931892.html)
- the pre-installed android identifies the camera, when i run the camera app, everything is ok => i can see the camera stream
- when i run LSUSB in the Debian8 image (OrangePI_Jessie_Xfce.img) there is no camera entry there!
(LSUSB was also emtpy in Raspbian_For_OrangePiplus_v0_8_0.img)
Some background:
I want to make a timelapse video/photoshoot.
I tried a USB camera earlier, LSUSB listed the camera as "ixart Imaging, Inc. Q-TEC WEBCAM 100", but i was unable to make the camera to work,
the DEV/VIDEO entry was missing...
(i dont remember the whole process - it was about a month ago...)
Since the USB camera was not working, i ordered the OrangePI camera module...
Ive spent about 10+ hours with this problem, and i just cant get around it...
Ill try to browse these forums once again for the solution.
I finally decided to install motion and try it. Its not really the tool I want to use for this device. I want to use mjpg-streamer.
However, it does in fact work with motion so now I just need to figure out how its reading the camera and what I need to change in mjpg-streamer to make it work.
Could you elaborate on what you did to get your camera module working? What linux distro are you using? Did you change the script.bin file at all?
I've been unable to get mine to work using the XFCE Debian 8 image and the latest kernel. Ive loaded the gc2035 and vfe_v4l2 modules but no capture applications can start and there are about vfe in dmesg(I'll post them later when I'm on the device.
So to get the ribbon camera working you have to use the latest image from loboris + update_kernel.sh script from his Mega folder.After update edit your /etc/modules to add vfe_v4l2 and gc2035, reboot and your camera should be on /dev/video0.
About my USB webcam it is a no brainer too: with latest kernel update from loboris all I have to do is to add gspca_zc3xx to aforementioned file. However this driver only works for my old webcam, but loboris just included ALL of them to the kernel. Theoretically, just about ANY usb webcam should work out of the box now.
toxuin replied at 2015-10-31 16:51
So to get the ribbon camera working you have to use the latest image from loboris + update_kernel. ...
OK, in theory all of supported CSI camera modules in sunxi-vfe should work plus any usb camera module if you have drivers for it
In practice there are some bugs in sunxi-vfe which you will have to fix to run some of supported CSI camera modules
This gc2035 module from @zhao_steven works ok, you do not need special tricks. If you have orange pi PC - orange pi Camera Expansion Board (from Steven) is needed because there are missing power supply elements on that board. Pinouts are same on board an module.
There is general issue in sunxi-vfe, it puts camera in stanby mode and some programs can not wake it up properly (v4l2-ctl, ffmpeg), some can (motion, fswebcam). So unfortunately you have limited amount of useful tools unless you write some code by yourself .