Hi everyone!
I could use some help with the camera module on my OrangePI plus:
http://www.aliexpress.com/item/o ... or/32255931892.html)
- the pre-installed android identifies the camera, when i run the camera app, everything is ok => i can see the camera stream
- when i run LSUSB in the Debian8 image (OrangePI_Jessie_Xfce.img) there is no camera entry there!
(LSUSB was also emtpy in Raspbian_For_OrangePiplus_v0_8_0.img)
Some background:
I want to make a timelapse video/photoshoot.
I tried a USB camera earlier, LSUSB listed the camera as "

ixart Imaging, Inc. Q-TEC WEBCAM 100", but i was unable to make the camera to work,
the DEV/VIDEO entry was missing...
(i dont remember the whole process - it was about a month ago...)
Since the USB camera was not working, i ordered the OrangePI camera module...
Ive spent about 10+ hours with this problem, and i just cant get around it...

Ill try to browse these forums once again for the solution.
I have tried these walkthroughs:
Thanks in advance for your time and advice gyus!!!