Slackware Arm for OrangePi H3 boards 看全部

  • 6# Exaga
  • 2015-11-15 01:13:08
Ok. Thanks for clearing that up.
can any one point me where to download the kernel source used in this OPI_slackware_14.1.img ?

This image works on my Orange PI One. I need to tune kernel a little bit for my application.

  • 9# mara
  • 2016-6-7 23:29:50
You can use the assembly from the A20 (soon to be images for Orange Pi plus 2E (H3))
You can also collect the most for their tasks

  • 10# mara
  • 2016-7-15 03:10:39

  • system 14.2 / current
  • mainline u-boot
  • hdmi-to-dvi adapters support (this image)
  • resize partition firstboot device
  • add swap file in firstboot device
  • add setup for transfer system emmc
  • support legacy kernel 3.4.112+
  • dmesg

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