Tutorial How control GPIO whith Android Studio App on Orange Pi 3g and 4g Iot 看全部

Edited by cadinodod at 2021-6-17 03:56

Tutorial How control GPIO whith Android Studio App on Orange Pi 3g and 4g Iot

In this tutorial I will show how control GPIO on Orange Pi 3g Iot and Orange pi 4g Iot using Android Studio app .
First you must have full root access, check this post:  Full root access on Orange Pi 3g Iot and Orange Pi 4g Iot

     1. Android Studio already installed
     2. An Orange Pi 3g Iot or Orange pi 4g
     3. Jummpers, resistor and Led

Step 1:
1. Creat a Android Studio new project

Step 2:
1. Download the library OrangePi3g4gIot Android

Step 3:
1. Import OrangePi3g4gIotGPIO. Check this post

How use:

  1. /*To toogle a output gpio*/
  2. final DigitalWrite digitalWrite = new DigitalWrite(); //create a gpio output object
  3. digitalWrite.Set(GPIO.GPIO_141_HIGH); // set the state of GPIO141 to HIGH
  4. digitalWrite.Set(GPIO.GPIO_141_LOW); // set the state of GPIO141 to LOW

  5. /* for read gpio*/
  6. final DigitalRead digitalRead = new DigitalRead(GPIO.GPIO_144, GPIO.EN, GPIO.PULLDOWN); //create a gpio input; object the must be have the gpio number, the pull enable (GPIO.EN) and the pull (GPIO.PULLDOWN or GPIO.PULLUP)
  7. digitalRead.getValue() //read the value of GPIO object created ealiry. It is a integer and can be 0 ou 1

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Demo Video
Demo Video 2
Demo video 3
Edited by Kingdom at 2021-11-30 13:11

Hello, I have some questions about your GPIO project for Orange Pi4g iot

1. I have troubles with import your module to Blank Activity project and final sync/build, because multidex  2 (Google maven) repository is not present in my Android  SDK manager for install - Chipmunk Studio 2021.2.1. Canary 5

2. How can I find info about GPIO resources of OrangePi4, not iot version, to make the adaptation of your module for my Opi4 board?
Official page:
Hello again, first issue I fixed myself  due to this article

https://developer.android.google ... dex?hl=en-GB#groovy

Still searchin Opi4 GPIO reference
quote: Kingdom replied at 2021-11-30 17:58
Hello, I have some questions about your GPIO project for Orange Pi4g iot

1. I have troubles with im ...


I thing in this link: http://www.orangepi.org/download ... 39f316305414ee.html

I hope this can help you

Thanks for sharing, It was indeed very impressive. Keep sharing stuff like this in future. Also checkout Nulls Brawl Apk.
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