VPU CedarX drivers for Allwinner H3 看全部

  • 6# jernej
  • 2015-11-21 17:42:13
That source code at https://github.com/allwinner-zh/media-codec seams good enough to try to make video acceleration working. Certanly I will try with my OpenELEC port.
quote: melanrz replied at 2015-11-18 03:55
on my system,im developing kind of player to play videos,coming soon

Could you tell us more about that new libs ??
  • 8# tokka
  • 2015-11-21 19:04:10
If my memory don't faults, libhybris are needed only xbmc. If you want to use mplayer the are not necessary.
On my A20 img mplayer play smooth 1080 without libhybris (using libvdpau), and xbmc play 1080 with libhybris.
Melanrz, which player are you developing?
  • 9# jernej
  • 2015-11-22 01:22:22
libhybris is always needed when you want to use android binary on linux distribution, which is based on GNU lib C library. libvpdau supports only a few codecs in comparison of CedarX or android based libraries.
  • 10# fritz
  • 2015-11-22 05:28:15
quote: tokka replied at 2015-11-21 12:04
If my memory don't faults, libhybris are needed only xbmc. If you want to use mplayer the are not ne ...


libvdpau-sunxi on the A20 works far better then Allwinner's closed source implementation!

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