Forum > Device drivers(GPU&VPU)
barquerito 看全部
2015-11-26 11:13:42
Hi , I want to make 3 questions:¿ Down the CPU speed H3 to eg 1.008 million hz , affects the rate of mali400 - mp2 ?and the second question is : is it possible to change the speed of mali400 - mp2 ?
Third question: really is a mali400 mp2 or mp4 despite showing mp2 ?

magicse 看全部
2015-11-26 21:11:06


Hi , I want to make 3 questions:¿ Down the CPU speed H3 to eg 1.008 million hz , affects the rate of mali400 - mp2 ?and the second question is : is it possible to change the speed of mali400 - mp2 ?
Third question: really is a mali400 mp2 or mp4 despite showing mp2 ?

mali rate setup in script.fex
mali_used = 1
mali_clkdiv = 1
mali_extreme_freq = 600

melanrz 看全部
2016-4-23 07:08:07

OrangePi En

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