RPi-Monitor 2nd approach 看全部

quote: root@OrangePI:/home/orangepi# history | egrep "wget|update-rc.d"
   65  wget http://loboris.eu/update_kernel.sh
  274  wget http://goo.gl/rsel0F -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rpimonitor.list
  404  cd / && wget -O - http://kaiser-edv.de/downloads/RPi-Monitor-for-H3.tgz | tar xzf -
  406  update-rc.d rpimonitor-helper defaults 90 10
  408  cd / && wget -O - http://kaiser-edv.de/downloads/RPi-Monitor-for-H3.tgz | tar xzf -
  415  update-rc.d rpimonitor-helper defaults 90 10
  420  cd / && wget -O - http://kaiser-edv.de/downloads/RPi-Monitor-for-H3.tgz | tar xzf -
  421  update-rc.d rpimonitor-helper defaults 90 10
  423  history | egrep "wget|update-rc.d"

im using ubuntu 15.04 btw...
  • 7# bronco
  • 2015-12-6 23:36:55
quote: hojnikb replied at 2015-12-6 23:01
im using ubuntu 15.04 btw...

Me too. Thx for the feedback, I made a mistake when packaging the stuff (missed path to a template). Please try it again using:
  1. cd / && wget -O - http://kaiser-edv.de/downloads/RPi-Monitor-for-H3.tgz | tar xzf -
  2. systemctl enable rpimonitor-helper
  3. systemctl start rpimonitor-helper
If it's still not working, please send me a PM with the output of "systemctl status rpimonitor-helper".

The tar archive contains the following:
  1. /usr/local/sbin/rpimonitor-helper.sh
  2. /etc/init.d/rpimonitor-helper
  3. /etc/rpimonitor/data.conf
  4. /etc/rpimonitor/template/OrangePi_H3.conf
  5. /etc/rpimonitor/template/Allwinner_H3.conf
  6. /etc/rpimonitor/template/Allwinner_H3_Extended.conf
The daemon's code can be read out since it's a simple bash script. I've put it also online: http://pastebin.com/0BU8p7BN

How can I view this side with the values.

I tried with the ip adress of
my opi2:
also with localhost:8888

but I get the message site not found

  • 9# bronco
  • 2015-12-8 04:16:36
quote: john0815 replied at 2015-12-8 03:35

How can I view this side with the values.

Hard to tell from here.

1) RPi-Monitor always refuses to start if there exists only a root account on the system since it won't start a webserver as root (good). If this might apply to your setup then you have to add an unprivileged normal user first

2) Depending on the Debian version you're using the output of 'systemctl status rpimonitor' or 'service status rpimonitor' might help

3) In case you've 'lsof' installed then the following might help checking whether rpimonitor is started already or not:
  1. root@OrangePI:~# lsof -i | grep 8888
  2. rpimonito  465 orangepi    4u  IPv4   9432      0t0  TCP *:8888 (LISTEN)
No lsof? Then a "sudo apt-get install lsof" would help

  • 10# joecz
  • 2015-12-24 01:55:45
Edited by joecz at 2015-12-24 03:45
quote: bronco replied at 2015-12-6 23:36
Me too. Thx for the feedback, I made a mistake when packaging the stuff (missed path to a template ...

Following post 1 and this one I successfully updated previous version of RPi-monitor. But selecting tab Statistics got me error. Some new database .rdd files were missing:

as temporary solution I've created those files by copying some other .rdds andit is working now. I'm not familiar with Round Robin DB. This is not correct way for sure.
Some info how to recreate or clear data within this db would be useful, but I've not read documentation yet. So maybe it's my fault.
Keep this excellent work alive! :-) What a great tool!!!

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