Forum > Device drivers(GPU&VPU)
bcruzligsanan 看全部
2017-3-22 17:34:44


igorpec replied at 2017-3-22 16:03
On Armbian it works out of the box. Ubuntu Xenial legacy desktiop is recommended.

https://www.armb ...

ok sir.. i will try.. thank you..

nouatzi 看全部
2017-11-4 01:40:06
Edited by nouatzi at 2017-11-4 02:04

I have an Orange Pi Win Plus, with Ubuntu Xenial Desktop (from orangepi.org), 16GB TF card, and I've tried this method, but nothing changed. The video plays slow, like a slow motion (but the audio plays smoothly). Whether I add vdpau-sunxi or not.
Here is a dropbox link for :
- videos being tested
- mplayer log
- video comparing orangepi win plus AND another PC.

OrangePi En

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