Orange pi pc RetroPie 看全部

Hi there guys, has anyone tested the RetroPie on the orange pi pc??? Is it compatible? Can we do a new RetroPie that is compatible??? Please answer
quote: zgoda replied at 2016-3-2 21:57
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Its not open for no have spam

  • 推荐 GXB
  • 2016-5-26 20:03:49
i will upload a new updated EmulationStation image very soon, if you prefer to wait.

from my facebook post: ... 20/?hc_location=ufi
Based on Wang Matt incredible work, here is Ubuntu 15.10 with Retropie and Emulation Station (ES) ready to go.!tIllhIYY!4-Zbg ... LRaULIkXVKv9PMnNEkE

Installation instructions are basically the same as other distros

1. This image was created in an Orange PI PC, so you will have to find your specific script.bin and uImage files inside /linux/boot and copy them to boot partition (vfat)
2. After the first boot, you might think you're stuck. You're not. The problem is the keyboard i couldn't get it to work inside ES. So have a gamepad plugged in. If you have issues on autodetection, delete /home/orangepi/.emulationstation/es_input.cfg (that might fix it)
3. Time to resize your partition. Quit ES (press start on your gamepad) or kill it from SSH, then run 'sudo fs_resize', password 00, reboot.
4. Copy your roms to /home/orangepi/Retropie/roms/PLATFORM (i put a readme.txt with hints on how you have to name folders), so the next time you reboot, ES will detect your roms automatically (it will take longer depending on how many roms you have)
5. Retroarch libs, scripts and configs are located in /opt/retropie. I stil don't quite understand well how the config files work. There is a general retroarch.cfg and per-core config files, they probably override the general one. Look inside /home/orangepi/.config/retroarch/retroarch.cfg and also /home/orange/.emulationstation/es_ files and edit them as you need.
6. Retropie setup is available in /home/orangepi/RetropieForOrangePI/Retropie-Setup folder. Just run 'sudo ./'. I recommend installing the metadata scraper from experimental packages. Boxes, covers and screenshots will appear when you run ES again.

My knowledge is VERY limited, this image is still rough on the edges, so help and feedback is requested, so we can improve compatibility with Orange PI. Couldn't get the keyboard to work inside ES. There are still a lot of broken scripts.

SU password: lala
It's not compatible, also without HW acceleration, emulation's gonna be a tough nut to crack
Edited by asakous at 2016-1-11 12:09

Orange PI PC can install RetroPie . but only few emulator work. dosbox , dgen ,I remember
if there is a fork of the retropie source for the OPiPC, you COULD ask "jernej" ( for his code (or find it by yourself) for HW acceleration.
Or/And: how to add H3 support to current RetroPie source.

I realy want to swap devices, OPiPC instead of the (nice/superb/established) RPi2. The OPiPC has more Power and could be a little game-changer.
At the Moment, my OPiPC runs jernejs OpenELEC with 4k video support.
Emulatiostation + retoarch  guide instal and package link mega
credit by wang matt ... k/1520233611612909/
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