Working with RGB LED matrix 看全部

  • 16# Otani
  • 2016-1-27 14:15:36
quote: Dermenslof replied at 2016-1-25 02:36
verify your mapping  pins gpio with :
$> gpio readall
PS: need install WiringOP

And? What next step?

  • 17# mix007
  • 2016-6-7 01:43:18
Hi ! I have the same problem.
Is there any progress with the LED matrix?  I think what need to start with a file framebuffer-internal.h There are described used GPIO
Edited by nopnop2002 at 2016-6-7 19:40

rpi-rgb-led-matrix doesn't use WiringPi.
Address of GPIO operation is being done by itself.
Substantial correction is needed.

If you rewrite this cord, it may work only a little. ... /master/lib/

Because they seem to use hardware PWM.
GPIO of H3 board doesn't have the hardware PWM function.