patilswa post at 2016-8-13 11:47:25

OPI Ethernet not working

Build the image using buildroot for orange pi PC . ethernet is not working my etc/network/interfaces looks as below
auto eth0iface eth0 inet dhcpi am using buildroot buildroot-2016.05.tar.gz --orangepipc_defconfig

admin post at 2016-9-3 14:28:49

Hi, you could check the image you use, which should be download from
And it still cannot work, try to re-write the image.
And check the power supply you use. Hope you could solve your problem.

charlly post at 2023-1-7 12:57:14

There are a few things that you can check if your OPI Ethernet is not working. First, make sure that your Ethernet cable is plugged in properly and that your OPI is connected to the same network as your computer.Tax LawIf that doesn't work, you can try resetting your OPI or reconfiguring your network settings.
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