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Why did expansion port behave that way? [SOLVED]

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Published in 2017-6-4 22:26:14 | Show all floors |Read mode
Edited by Bazmundi at 2017-6-21 21:45

I was building a node-red server on the Orange Pi Zero I bought.  512M with expansion and case.
The OPiZ kit  I bought did not come with screws so the first experiments were carried out with the computer board - no expansion board attached.

It took a couple of days to get a copy of the "official" distro as the google drive link was non-existant and the other link was, I actually thought, broken but it was so dang slow so I worked out I had to wait 5 minutes for the webpage to draw.  At first I started using the distro at the Armbian site.

I used debian server in both instances.

After re-burning the distros a couple of times, while I poked around looking at the lay of the land (and having to back out of broken installations), I settled on the armbian distro from OPiZ.

First up, apt-get failed to pull nodejs down so I had to do the binary install - which worked.  I used apt-get to pull node-red onto the OPiZ and voila!  I had node-red running.    This failure to pull nodejs by apt-get happened both on "official" distro from OP site and the "semi-ficial" distro from armbian.   

The apt-get problem with nodejs may or may not have been a problem with nodejs.  Can't tell as the ethernet on the OPiZ appears to be flaky.   At first I was sshing onto the OPiZ, via ethernet, using Tera Term which kept dropping connection (even after I set up static IP).  I noted many people suggesting using the serial pins to debug the board but there is a perfectly good serial connection via the micro usb port which I had connected to a powered usb hub.

I then had mixed success with trying to get an MQTT server running on it.   I downloaded and compiled erlang and then tried a few different servers that provided MQTT (emqttd and RabbitMQ).

That MQTT work is still work to go, especially now given the following.

As the OPiZ didn't come with screws to put the little box together I waited until today to get the screws and then *groan* the following quirky behaviours once I attached the expansion board.

So now this is with extension board attached

*** and remembaring both the "official" Ambian debin distro on the OPi site AND the "semi-ficial" one on the ambian site both worked on my OPiZ before I put the expansion board onto the base board ***

1)   After I plugged in the expansion board the clean "official" distro on the SD card would not boot.  I tried the distro direct from the ambian site and the OPiZ still booted.  So distro from OPi would not boot their own board with their own extension board installed with a clean freshly burnt SD card.  However, the distro from armbian direct still booted.

2) I took the expansion board off and tried the "official" distro again.  However, OPiZ no longer boots using "official" distro with or without the expansion board in place.  That is OPiZ booted first time using OPi distro (before I added OPi expansion board) but did not boot with expansion board in and now no longer boots with OPi distro.

3) With the expansion board off and a fresh clean distro direct from ambian on the SD, the machine still boots.  That is OPiZ booted first time using Arbian distro from Armbian (before I added the OPi expansion board) and still does - you are saying "phew" for me at that point, but wait for it ...

... before I used the expansion board for the first time, I was able to use nmtui on both distros to set up static IP and hostname - dozens of times in fact as I burnt and reburnt SD to clean out the system as I worked through the setups for node-red and MQTT.  After I took the expansion board out, Armbian runs nmtui.  I can change the hostname, so nmtui runs, intial menu is happy to accept key commands to go to hostname change option, and exits.   However, if I select connections item nmtui goes to the connextions page and hangs - does not react to key pressed.  It ignores arrow keys, tab etc so you can jump around.  It ignores CTL-Z, CTL-C etc so you cant exit.  You have to pull the power to reboot.

This is quirky because, in all my experiments to set up node-red (before I tried the expansion card) I was happily firing up nmtui in both the "official" and the "semi-ficial" distros, setting static IP, changing host names etc.

So, all this in a couple of afternoons.  I thought I was over the worst of it, I had node-red running, erlang AND elixir as I had settled on eqmttd.  All I was going to do was do a clean build with the assembled computer.   I did not expect the interaction with the expansion board and certainly can't explain the behaviour with the board removed.   If the board was "fried" why is one distro working and one not?  

I assume the the expansion board won't work with the Armbian distro from Armbian site?  That is, it the expansion board needs to be configured when using the distro from Ambian site?  I am assuming there is some interaction with the expansion board from the OPi distro to set something in NVM perhaps?  That is, is there something now in NVM that is causing the problem?  Is there someing in the NVM that needs clearing?  Is there a factory reset for the board at all?

Anyone else seeing this quirky behaviour?
By the way.  To check whether I had corrupted the "official" OPi distro on my PC, the one that no longer works, I deleted it off my PC and downloaded a new copy (with great pain as the "official" site dropped out during download about a dozen times).  The new, freshly downloaded "official" OPi distro still no longer boots on the OPiZ with or without the expansion board in.  That is, the problem I was seeing was not with a distro that got corrupted during my original experiments.








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Rank: 2

 Author| Published in 2017-6-12 11:57:15 | Show all floors
Ah, so no-one from Orange Pi can help?  Luckily the board is cheap so I can throw it out.  Along with Orange Pi reputation.








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Published in 2017-6-12 18:47:00 | Show all floors
Bazmundi replied at 2017-6-12 11:57
Ah, so no-one from Orange Pi can help?  Luckily the board is cheap so I can throw it out.  Along wit ...

I am so sorry there is no support for you. I think it should be too much information to read in your topic. I will ask our engineer to check whether he knows how to solve it.
Maybe next time you could make it a little short topic to read.







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Rank: 2

 Author| Published in 2017-6-13 11:02:46 | Show all floors

problem bullet pointed

Edited by Bazmundi at 2017-6-13 14:43
Okay, so typing slowly.

  • Once expansion board is added, OrangePI does not boot from official OrangePi debian server distro (even if expansion board is taken off again)
  • If you change to Armbian org distro for Orange Pi Zero, Orange Pi Zero boots without expansion board in but nmtui hangs after official distro induces the problem.
  • nmtui did not hang Orange Pi Zero when using Armbian distro BEFORE expansion board was added.  nmtui problem with Armbian org distro seems to have started after Orange Pi distro "bricked" board.

Long story bullet pointed

Official OrangePI debian server issues:

  • I used the official OrangePI debian server distro for OrangePiZero
  • Orange Pi boots using OrangePI debian server distro
  • I built a node-red system on OrangePI debian server distro
  • Orange Pi boots using node-red system - I can connect by browser on second machine.
  • I power off and then I plugged in the expansion board.
  • I power on but Orange Pi no longer booted with node-red system.
  • I rewrote SD card to raw OrangePI debian server distro.
  • Raw Orange Pi debian server no longer boots with expansion board attached.
  • I remove expansion board.
  • Raw Orange Pi debian server no longer boots without expansion board attached.

I can still boot with Armbian debian server distro from Armbian site however now Armbian debian server issues as side effect:

  • I used the Armbian debian server distro, from Armbian not Orange Pi distros, to do initial setup experiments before using expansion board (before I got to steps "Official OrangePI debian server issues" above).
  • Orange Pi boots using Armbian debian server distro (No expansion board attached).
  • I was able to use nmtui a number of times to set up static IP address and reset host name.  I did this multiple times because as I found problems I would reformat the SD card with fresh Armbian distro.
  • Once I sorted download problems with official Orange Pi debian server distro I switched to that (see "Official OrangePI debian server issues" above).
  • However, after the problems in the first list above, I switched back to Armbian org distro.
  • With no expansion board, Armbian debian server hangs when nmtui goes to connections window.  You can start nmtui to get to its main menu.  You can change host name.  But if you want to setup ethernet connection nmtui hangs and you have to reboot OrangePI







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 Author| Published in 2017-6-14 15:17:09 | Show all floors
More information on my problem.  

Since Network Manager (nm) has taken over from use of interfaces file (to set static IP) I find I cannot even even use the old method to set up a static IP address on my defunct OPiZ as the interfaces file exists but the mechanism that uses it does not.  So, I find I cannot use my OPiZ in the node-red server application I wanted to use it in as I have no mechanism to set a static IP on the board (nm hangs and interfaces file is ignored).







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Rank: 2

 Author| Published in 2017-6-15 22:21:07 | Show all floors
Edited by Bazmundi at 2017-6-15 22:31
Bazmundi replied at 2017-6-14 15:17
More information on my problem.  

Since Network Manager (nm) has taken over from use of interfaces  ...

I found I can set static IP using nmcli.

However I cannot get onto internet because I cannot set gateway using nmcli.

There are examples on internet using nmcli such as:
nmcli con edit 'Wired connection 1'
nmcli> set ipv4.gateway

The problem is nmcli under Armbian does not have ipv4.gateway propery?

Why not?







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Rank: 2

 Author| Published in 2017-6-15 22:24:42 | Show all floors
Edited by Bazmundi at 2017-6-15 22:33
Bazmundi replied at 2017-6-15 22:21
I found I can set static IP using nmcli.

However I cannot get onto internet because I cannot set  ...

I found example of using file /etc/network/if-up.d/gwconfig with contents:

if "$IFACE"="eth1" then
  route delete default gw
  route add default gw

Only to find Armbian version of route does not recognise the "route add default gw" as it raised the following error:

  1. SIOCADDRT: No such process
Copy code

What is going on with Orange Pi linux?  Why does it not work as described generally?







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Rank: 2

 Author| Published in 2017-6-15 22:35:34 | Show all floors
admin replied at 2017-6-12 18:47
I am so sorry there is no support for you. I think it should be too much information to read in yo ...

Have a look at all the problems that pop out with your board 1) expansion board "breaks" main board 2) non-standard implementations of commands, no help







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 Author| Published in 2017-6-16 11:00:25 | Show all floors
Edited by Bazmundi at 2017-6-16 11:06

Okay, so no help from technicians.

Here is the warning!!!

There appears to be a potential problem with some of the expansion boards for Orange Pi Zero.  

They can create a fault (somehow) in the Orange Pi Zero board.  

The distro of Debian Server appears to be fragged by the damage done by the attachment of some expansion boards (so the damage is likely affecting something in the official distro that interrogates the expansion board).  The Armbian distro of Debian Server (I assume) needs to be configured if you want to use it with the expansion board.  So distro from is "immune" to the fragging of the board (currently).  That is, even though you can no longer boot from the distro you can still boot from the Armbian distro.

Damage is done to the Orange Pi Zero board as the Orange Pi Zero board will work with distro of Debian server before an expansion board is attached to the Orange Pi Zero.  However, once the board is powered up with expansion board inserted, the fragging will now stop the Orange Pi Zero from booting with the distro of Debian Server even if the expansion is removed.

Quirky side effect is that, while distro still works, nmtui now will hang if you try to use connections menu.  So, there is a likely interaction also between the fragging of the Orange Pi Zero, by the expansion board, and whatever nmtui is doing in the background around connections.  nmcli is known to have worked on the Orange Pi Zero before the expansion board was inserted.

Once fragged by the expansion board, when using distro, if you need to set the board to static IP the only option is using nmcli which does not hang the Orange Pi Zero.







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Rank: 2

 Author| Published in 2017-6-21 21:30:28 | Show all floors
Edited by Bazmundi at 2017-6-21 21:46

Alas after two weeks of working through problems getting node-red and emqttd installed and configured to run at boot up, the problem I was having with the network manager (nmtui locking up when entering connection page) has now manifested as the connection I was able to get sorted using nmcli has disappeared.  Worse, nmcli happily lets me type in all the config and accepts the save without warning BUT nothing is saved.  So, I have no ethernet connection anymore on my OPiZ but I have two perfectly happy services installed that cannot be used because I cannot browse into the OPiZ.

My log is at for anyone who is interested.

SOLUTION:  Throw Orange Pi in bin.  Go back to my ODROID-C1
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