Hi cbbc, thanks for your reply.
Though sadly, this was not exactly what apocalyps and i were looking for 
The programs linked, are the equipollent to the WiringPi implementation on the raspberry pi.
What i was looking for was the equipollent to WiringX implementation on the raspberry pi.
WiringX does more or less the same, but based on a more modular approach than WiringPi.
In order to get WiringX working on the orangepi pc plus, one needs to adapt 2 files within the WiringX source code.
I am sure, this modification can easily be done by someone who managed to get WiringOP working. Sadly this is not me
This is WiringX
Files, that needs to be adapted:
(2 files for each new device)
Would love to hear from you about such a modification!