Edited by carloxic at 2018-10-5 22:24
Like a few other members, I too am one to have damaged the FB6 fuse while securing a mounting screw that was too big.
Symptom is that the board is working but the wifi chip is no longer receiving power so essentially there is no more WIFI device alive on the board.
Kernel obviously cannot see a WIFI device.
I downloaded the schematic for this board (ORangepi-plus-2e-v1_1-schematic.pdf) and I am able to locate the components that relate to WIFI.
Schematic page 14 shows a segmented diagram ... sigh :-(
There is very very little information about this fuse. In another thread, somebody suggested that this is a resistor, but it really doesn't make sense that this would be a resistor.
Also, FB6 is not an abbreviation commonly used for resistors...
Do you know anything about this component ?
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