Edited by bronco at 2015-11-23 15:40
dvl36 replied at 2015-5-18 08:56
Allwinner H3 has 3(!) USB 2.0 HS Hosts (480Mbps, each!) and one USB OTG. ... In my opinion It would be better to use 3 USB-buses, than only one.
I believe they did so since when starting with the "Banana Pi Plus" they realized that the H3 has no SATA any longer which would be a step backwards compared to the 2 Banana Pi clones they sold before (Orange Pi and Mini -- both with A20 and native SATA).
So they put an old/crappy GL830 USB-to-SATA bridge (slow, no UASP, 2TB limitation) on the PCB and sold the 'Pi Plus' as being SATA capable (which it is not). Therefore only 2 USB host ports left. But since the model was called 'Plus' they decided to make things even worse and use an internal USB hub also so that all 4 USB ports have to share the bandwidth of one single USB2.0 connection (almost as worse as with the RPi where everything has to share a single USB2.0 connection). But Xunlong was right since customers didn't care and didn't realize that more is less when it's about more externally available USB ports compared to the SoC's.
Fortunately the internal USB hub is gone on the OPi PC and there all 4 USB ports can be used without sharing bandwidth. That would increase potential I/O bandwidth by factor 2 compared to the more expensive H3 based Orange Pis 