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Win vs Nix just have to toot

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Published in 2016-12-9 01:12:12 | Show all floors |Read mode
Every time I try to do something new with my OP-PC - "Just use Winzip, RAR, Click the Start "  IF I WANTED TO USE WINDOWS I WOULDN'T HAVE AN ORANGE PI".  I'd have a windows box.  Some time back I wanted to try FC22 on my OP-PC, so I downloaded 'Fedora22.rar' - hasseled through installing 'unrar' the WINDOWS ARCHIVE PROGRAM on my Linux box and ended up with a Fedora22.tgz file. (Ah?)  That's like the person who asked me what was wrong with 'varchar(3)'.  

I've just spent the better part of 3 days finding OP-PC-Android (suprise suprise) there it is as a RAR file and following the found instruction on how to burn to a uSD - 1. Down load the Windows SD card burner....  later on I find the Ubunta instructions - which I follow "to the letter" to create a card that won't boot.  Partly because the instructions say to 'download the OS' and UNZIP the RAR file.  Except later on it says "Android image can not use the dd command under the Linux nor the Win32Diskimager under Windows, you need to use PhoenixCard to make the TF card."  So now I should shitch over to Windows, load PhoenixCard, burn the ..... Oh, just screw it - thoses grapes would be sour anyhow.....

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