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We need to polish Raspbian for All the devices in order people could be happy

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Published in 2015-5-11 03:16:13 | Show all floors |Read mode
Edited by OrangePiLinux at 2015-5-11 03:53

Hello everyone. Today I decided to try Raspbian which is in Beta I think still, but still on mine Orange Pi 2 from here:

THere is definately something wrong with it. I have very good Samsung Monitor and it works like a charm with every devices i had till this moment, but in Raspbian there is HDMI signal appearin and disappearing. Like it starts ok and I can see picture. I log in with Root and pas ORangePi. Then as soon I start to load some software--it starts monito blinking--you see picture for second, then black screen.
So looks like Raspbian is in really not good state yet in order to be widely used--like it needs to be polished more and more to my opinion.

Also another thing is--looks like by default it outputs in 720p. I pressed HDMI plug inside orangepi 2 and inside monitor--so there is good contact.

  I am not really familiar with Lubuntu--this LDE environment--so I really do not know where to change monitor resolution--I tried to seek for it--but looks like RAsbian which has LDE as environment has no option to change resolution. My monitor reports in Options that it receives 1280x720. blinks from black picture to

Also task manager behaves funny--you open it and as soon you not  move it with mouse--he stays ok, but if you try to move window of task manager with mouse--it broken.

Looks like AllWinner H3 CPU consumes 3% or resources, and RAM is 66MB used. LAN works as I see be LEDs, but as soon as I start any software like lets say Midory--my screen on monitor blinks from 1 second to black picture--so looks like programs make HDMI not be stable.

  H3 CPU is becoming like maybe 40 degrees hot if touch it by finger, I just wonder--does it need metal cooler on top in order to be cooler?

I have noticed that on none of my three boards i heard any sound form 3,5mm output--probably it all goes to hdmi--but how to change soundoutput--is not really clear...







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Published in 2015-5-12 17:29:47 | Show all floors
I fully agree. I think the OPi's really have a lot of potential, but to make it easier for beginners (I count myself as one in most areas), it would be good to provide distributions that work as expected, are clearly documented and supported in the forum. The main advantage of the Raspberry Pi is that every complete noob can download images, follow the instructions and get a running system in a blink of an eye that does exactly what it should do.

To be honest, I lost overview which distribution is working on which OPi model, what are the knows bugs and if there are workarounds or even solutions already. As I am visiting the forum quite regularly, I can only imagine, how hard it must be for a newbie, to find his way and get started. IMHO, this has to be changed and improved quickly to give the OPi's the success they deserve. - News, tutorials and tests for SBCs







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 Author| Published in 2015-5-11 03:31:12 | Show all floors


Edited by OrangePiLinux at 2015-5-11 03:34

Also today I tried Raspbian on ORange PI model loade from here:

What I can tell about it?

  Well--it outputs 1080P out of the box which looks like cool to me, also it is stable--like HDMI stable everything. But what I have noticed is this:
LAN is not working. Like if you looks at LAN--it has I think yellow LED on  but green LED is out. I have HDCP server in modem--So I do not know what is going. THere is possible to turn Wi-fi though--like is possible to connect, but how to turn on LAN--I do not know know. I just wonder--it is problem of device I have or problem of Raspbian?
Well what makes me not happy is this Lubuntu or so called LDE not clear environment--Like there are not many setting things in order to play with . Like I tried to open monittor settings but it cant for some reason.

I tried to test Raspbian for Orange PI for multimedia support and tried to play 1080p and 720p video clips from BigBuck Bunny from here:
but for some reason Raspbian does not support playing it and even Raspbian did not have proper player. I think there no place in order to install
good player in Raspbian.







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Published in 2015-5-12 15:37:06 | Show all floors
Very good job you're doing here... excellent to get an overview about the current status of the different distributions on the various OPis.

Steven, I would suggest to add new forum categories for the different OPi models. That would make it somewhat easier to keep track with the development. - News, tutorials and tests for SBCs







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 Author| Published in 2015-5-11 03:39:55 | Show all floors
Edited by OrangePiLinux at 2015-5-11 03:48

Also today I tested Lubuntu for OrangePI Plus from here: ... u_For_OrangePi.html

Looks like it stable and it even played both files 720p and 1080p BigBuck Bunny, but the thing is--it starts in 720p and there is no option to change to 1080p. Like no menus , nothing. I wish it would be easier.

I just wonder--is it possible to make version of Linux for ORange PI with XFCE or MATE environment--they are more logical then this LDE...

LAtely Raspberry PI posted on its site MATe version of Ubuntu. Can somen tell me--is it possible to launch Linux from Rapberry pi on Orange PI?
Published in 2015-5-11 13:13:06 | Show all floors
I will port Ubuntu Mate version.







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 Author| Published in 2015-5-11 15:17:52 | Show all floors


Edited by OrangePiLinux at 2015-5-11 15:27

Thank you Steven. I am very glad to hear such news because Ubuntu MAte is awesome system. I myself use on laptop Linux Mint with MATE and very like it. What I like about MATE is that it is fork of good old GNOME2. Like mate has Widgets to control frequency of CPU, and also MATE is really good looking environment which has many settings.

  Do you plan to have it for All models of OrangePI or only for the latest second wave of Orange PIs like PLUS, PI2, PI2Mini ?

  Well I understand why on Raspberry Pi and on ORange Pi is used LDE--because is it light--like I saw in task manager and it uses almost no resources> but at same time I think that H3 CPU with four cores, and even A20 can easily handle XFCE and also MATE. We definately need to concentrate on those releases.

   Steven I wanted also to ask you--DEbian server which was released lately for OP PLus, PI2  PMini2--it has no GUI? Like it has interest to use it only for people who wants to run server and is ok to deal with command line only?







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 Author| Published in 2015-5-11 15:59:32 | Show all floors
Edited by OrangePiLinux at 2015-5-11 21:00

Will post my observations.

    UPDATE   Orange Pi 2   Raspbian_For_OrangePi2_mini2_v0_8_0.img.xz
Release date:2015-05-04

So--it outputs by default in 720p and no means to change it, HDMI loses signal if run software, no way to turn at the end of session Orange Pi2 off--only unplug. So as far as I understand at 0.8 as beta--it needs polishing. When it will be at 1.0 or 2.0--maybe then it wil be stable enough and have 1080p by default.

  LAN shows both LEDS==so means that works. Task manager breaks itself visually if drag with mouse. Uses 1% CPU and 65MB RAM.

If press on Monitor settings in menu--it shows window which says-- Unable to get monitor information!

Pi Store runs--but you need properly to be registered at Pi Store in order to use it.

  Web-browser works over LAN connector, did not test yet wi-fi. But there is definately something wrong with HDMI--as soon you start to run software--monitor blinks.

UPDATE   Orange Pi 2
Debian-server_For_OrangePi2                orangepi2-mini2-debian-server-card-v0.9.1.img.xz               
Release date:2015-04-27


I created sd card with Sd formatter and wrote image of DEbian server to sd card--but my Orange PI 2 does not start it. On board is red LED lights--and nothing is going on. I tried to press SW4 power button--but nothing happens--so probably DEbian Server is High Mathematics for average Joe user .

UPDATE Orange Pi 2  Lubuntu_For_OrangePi2
Version: 0.8.0
Release date: 2015-05-04  

   System starts quickly enough--5 to 10 seconds. System starts in 720P by default. Looks much more better then raspbian. A lot of preinstalled apps by default which is good--people will have almost everything from the start.
Ethernet works--both LEDs led. Chrome web-browser works. All software start quickly enough--responsive. for firefox takes longer to start than chrome. firefox works slow to my opinion.

There is something wrong with HDMI--it is either I have defective Orange PI 2or Lubuntu needs more polishing. From time to time HDMi signal disappears. Replaced another HDMI cable--for is ok--will see how it goes further. Office has some green dots in header. Sound does not work over 3.5 mm jack--maybe it goes over hdmi to monitor--but how to change it to 3,5 mm? There are no settings menu to change sound output.
It plays BigBuckBunny 720p and 1080p videos but in 1080p it does not fit screen --because screen runs in 720p actually. It plays very responsively vidoes. But no sound. I connected 3,5 mm jack to av connector and to mine  on monitor 3,5mm which should come from HDMI--like there is someting wrong with sound--it just doesnt come.

  CPU gets like 50 degrees hot if touch with finger--so is possible to become burn. Probably needs cooler.

Lubuntu software center is good thing--so many apps to install possible. this sytem uses a lot of RAM if open somesoftware and then close them--518MB, but CPU is 2%.Looks like LAN works but how to use Wi-Fi no clue. Humanity and Oxygen are best icon types if modify look of system through menu. Humanity is like in Ubuntu Icons and Oxygen like in KDE.

If to open Display Settings--it has only two options--1280x720 or Auto--which apperantly means that system does not support 1080p at all... which kind of like disappoints--because system really needs 1080p in order to look cooler. I hope that system is cbale to do 1080p....
  So looks like there is possible to turn on wifi and looks like wifi is working in my thing.

So my thoughts: 1080P needs to be brough to the system--unless device is actually not cable to do 1080p. Also I am not sure about HDMI---I replaced shorter cable to long 3 meter Gembird one--so far so good--but will se how goes.
I like Lubuntu better than Raspbian--lubuntu feels more stable and polished, raspbian feels not good.
Loks like Lubuntu also has proper shutdown menu--so is cool to me.
But actually we need Ubuntu MATe and others OSs in order to compare and chose best OS.

UPDATE Orange Pi 2 ANDROID   Android(H3) For Orange Pi 2 only
Android(H3)_For_Orange_Pi_2_v1.0 (an Orange pi 2 image)

  Tested Android for Orange Pi 2 and I do not like it so much. First of all--I had trouble writing Android image to memory card--in Windows Vista one version  of Foenix software (English one) did not work and another version(usual but with english menu as well) did not finish it--so I had to do in Windows 7 and did it.
  Android does not have standard Android launcher at all--only two ones which are not confortable launchers and which have chinese letters everywhere. Also Android starts in Chinese language--makes it not comfortable for user--you have to change it then to your own language--so would be more awesome to have English as default.

Another thing is--it does not have this usual panel "back, home, list of application"--so essentially you rely on keyboard when control your Android, and also mouse buttons back do not work--you have to use keyboard in order to come back to home screen.

   THere is no Google Play installed--so how to install APPS????? there is no preinstalled YouTube, no Gmail, nothing. So how to install anything?????

  I wish this android would come with standard Android launcher and with this panel "back, home, list of apps".

But I liked this LOGO H3 when it starts. also what I liked was that if you use 32GB Memory card--then you  have internal memory  something like 26GB--which is cool, because when we buy device--we get very little memory inside device. Also sound works in Android.

  In video setting of Android present even 4k30 videooutput--but I wonder that is real--because even when I set it to 1080p60--felt to me like 720p. I thik this is the main problem of all android devices--they cheat about resolution because probably it has no powerfull GPU to handel o 1080p or maybe some other reason. I just wonder--is it possible to make real 1080p in Orange Pi 2 in Android and can H3 handel 1080p properly in Android?

  If to press Ctrl+Alt+Delete on keyboard--ORangePi reboots in Android. If you want to turn off device--press SW4 button for one second.

So I think this Android should be redone. It should have AllWinner H3 start logo--but the rest should be returned to default values and settings and to be redone from scratch--like there should be GooglePlay installed and no any launchers--let people themself decide which launchers they would want to have or which list of apps they want.

  Look at Android sticks or at Android Boxes when you buy--they have Android properly set and properly configured--so when you turn on device for first time with Android preinstalled--you get really good feeling, you are happy and enjoy using it. But what we have here? Unfinished Android with preinstalled launchers and without  possibility to install APPPS.

I am sorry that I criticize it but I really needed to say what I feel when I use it in order it could be solved and future users who will use it--would feel much more better when they will install Android. THere needs to be something done about it...

  I am slightly UPSET. I really would be happy to see standard Android on my device...







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 Author| Published in 2015-5-11 23:05:46 | Show all floors


Edited by OrangePiLinux at 2015-5-12 04:28

  My observations Part 2.

  UPDATE  Orange Pi Plus Raspbian_For_OrangePi_plus

Version: 0.8.0
Release date:2015-05-04

   Funny enough--but my Orange Pi Plus even with memory card inserted--has Android in interenal flash. I even do not know how to start Linux from memory card.

Finnaly started Raspbian--turn off device and installed again back in Memory Card and it started into Linux--awesome. But is nice to have Android inside EMMc and linux on Memory card.

Lets start.

Raspbian started in 1280x720p. Task manager also like in Orange Pi 2 version--also starts--but if to drag it with mouse--it damages window.Cpu uses like 1% resourses, and 65Mb RAM.

If to try to change monitor resoulution from setings menu--it says--Unable to get monitor information. So it means that Raspbian for Orange PI Plus has no means to change resolution to 1080p--which disappoints--because in 1080p picture looks more awesome--and in 720p it shows all flaws.
Funny enough--but in Raspbian on Orange Pi Plus--I have only yellow LED on ethernet connector. Green is not lit. But in Android I had acess to internet in browser--so it means that LAN is working--like not defective--it is just probably Raspbian acts not properly maybe...
but internet works over LAN--I could acces web=pages with browser... Looks like browser does not support Falsh--so videos on Youtube is not possible to watch

Good thing is--I do not notice any problems with HDMI---soeither because I changed to 3 meters long Gembird HDMI cable or who knows.
NetSurf web brwoser and Dillo have some problems when scrolling I think. Wifi is working as i see--at least it scans networks.

PiStore works even without login--which is cool. But in order to download something--need either to login or to register. Is possible to install Apps and manuals from Pi store by registering there.

PiStore is really coll feature--gives possibility to install apps and read magazines and manuals--awesome.

Well the most interesitng about Raspbian is PIStore to my opinion--many interesting things to read and explore there necessary.
But the rest about system--needs more polishing. Need 1080 be, also needs stability to Task Manager and other things. Many work in other words needs to be done in order Raspbian would become really stable...

I just wonder--does anyone know how to turn off Raspbian? THere is only log out--but if to press on turn off in upper right corner--nothing happens... Where is button to turn off device in menu???

Actually I found in quick start guide for Orage PI Plus how to turn off computer:

Step 4: Shut down your Orange Pi Plus 

You can use the GUI to shut down the Orange Pi Plus safely.  

Also you can run the command in the terminal:  

sudo halt 


sudo shutdown –h now

This will shut down the PI safely, (just use the power key to turn off might damage the TF-cards file system). After that you can press the power key for 5 seconds to turn it off.

    The question is--it is will be always like this to turn it off only through terminal command? No GUI version?

UPDATE Orange Pi Plus  Debian-server_For_OrangePi_plus
Release date:2015-04-27

  For some reason DEbian server does not start--like nothing happens....

UPDATE Orange Pi Plus Lubuntu_For_OrangePi_Plus
Version: 0.8.0
Release date:         2015-05-04

    It starts in 720p. if to press on display settings --it has only two options--1280x720 or Auto. So looks like there is no way to install 1080p resolution...
OS has shotdown option from menu which looks awesome. Sound does not work fro some reaosn--how to make it work I do not know.
It plays both BigBuck Bunny 720p and 1080p--but 1080p does not fit screen and also there is no sound.
LAN and Wi-Fi work, Chrome starts. Every programm starts quickly.
Software center is awesome.  1-6% CPU and 194MB RAM consumes system. Humanity and Oxygen icons are best.
So operating System is ok--but it needs polishing i think--like needs to be added support for 1080P--I think AllWinner H3 is capable even to uotput 4k30.
And also need to look at some things--like sound not playing and some other stuff...

UPDATE Orange Pi Plus  Android(H3) For Orange Pi Plus only
Android(H3)_For_Orange_Pi_Plus_v1.0 (an Orange pi Plus image)*

Version: Android4.4.2-1.0
Release date: 2015-03-24

   Well I had preinstalled Android on Flash--but I can tell that problem of android for Orange Pi Plus is the same problem as for Orange PI 2 Android I wrote earlier--
It is unfinished Android withtwo unstandard launchers and with chineese language set at the beginnig--also it has no standard android desktop--also it has no GooglePlay--which means no APPs is possible to install and has noYoutube, no Gmail, nothing.
  What I like though was Starting Logo of AllWinner H3 CPU--that was cool--the rest needs to be redone in order people could feel awesome experience when they start device.

  I would be very glad if Android Desktop in Orange Pi Plus would look something like this:

this I call real Android desktop and real Android experience. this desktop has everything which people need and also at bottom this desktop has Back, Home, Screenshot and Volume and other necessary buttons to control it with mouse. I wish such Android would appear.....







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 Author| Published in 2015-5-12 00:13:05 | Show all floors
Edited by OrangePiLinux at 2015-5-12 21:46

My observations of Orange Pi.

Raspbian_For_OrangePi                Raspbian_For_OrangePi_v1_0.img.xz               
Release date:2015-03-17

Funny thing is--but my Orange Pi cant output VGA signal to my opinion--or maybe in Raspbian it set by default to HDMI--because original Raspberry Pi has no VGA.

Correction: If to connect HDMI at start without Using VGA--Raspbian outputs 1080P to Monitor which is cool. So Raspbian for OrangePI can output 1080P then.. Cool.
When in 1080P--system resources used are the same--so 1080P does not make any imact on performance which is cool. CPU in task manager in idle 1-9% RAM 59MB.
Anyway--I wrote Raspbian to memory card, connected Orange Pi by only VGA to my monitor--looks like everything starts--but I get no picture over VGA. To connect VGA and HDMI at same time is difficult. BUt anyway--when I connected HDMI--I could get picture--funny. I wonder how in other OSs like Lubuntu and Android is possible to get any picture on screen over VGA????
   Raspbian starts in 1280x720p--so again no 1080p??? CPU in idle state if touch with finger feels like 20-30 degrees--so nothing to worry about his temperature.

With Task manager all is ok--it not damages if drag it with mouse to some other place on desktop. it uses 1-7% CPU resourses in idle state and 50Mb of RAM. If to press on Monitor settings from menu-says--Unable to get monitor  information!

  Looks like LAN is working. Midori is working, internet is reachable. Load on CPU in task manager when start new APP come up to 32% and goes back--so looks like Raspbian is really optimised resource-wise for A20 CPU. Dillo=i would not say that very quick--but starts much more quicker then it starsts in Orange PI Plis and PI2 versions of Rapbian and feels more stable.
Netsurf starts quickly--but stuck at redirecting to Google search results--even if press on link--still stuck. So looks like NetSurf needs Polishing.
  Wi-Fi is working--need to start WIFI Config APP in order to configure it.
Jack Audio Connection KIt App--if to start it gives error message at start--says:
Could not open ALSA sequencer as a client. ALSA MIDI patchbay will not be available.

  I get no sound--do not know how to configure in Raspbian sound  output--I tried to connect my speakers to AV-out and to my monitor--no sound... also if speakers connected to AV-OUt on board--I can hear some flicking funny sound in speakers but no sound at all in general...

   If to start PiStore from DEsktop--says--- THe User Interface Failed to Load.  Please check your network connection or try updating the Client. So what it means is the following: No Pi Store for Orange PI... I even reconnected LAN--no result...

UPDATE: I tried again connect  over VGA to my monitor--no picture. So definately VGA not necessary to have then in Orange Pi if there is no use for it...
  StutDown button on desktop--works--awesome--so will be easy to turn off PC.
    Verdict: RAspbian needs more polishing--it needs 1080P by default, It needs to be supported in VGA mode, PiStore needs to be Fixed, Sound needs to be fixed and many other things need to be done...

UPDATE Orange Pi   Lubuntu_For_OrangePi
Version: 1.0.0
Release date: 2015-01-27

   VGA works but resolution is 1024x768. In Monitor options from menu only two options to chose from--1024x768 or Auto. In VGA mode in task manage CPU uses 1to 6% and RAM is 126MB.

Funny enough--but if turn off PC and change connector from VGa to HDMI--then  you can get picture over HDMI--but it is 1024x768. Where is 720p or 1080p over HDMI? Monitor settings also has only 1024x768 or Auto.
  This time I rewriten Lubuntu from scratch to memerycard with hope that it will be different--connected from beginning with HDMI--again the same--1024x768. no 720p no 1080p.
LAN works, interent works, Chrome starts.
Software Center is awesome--but takes some time until starts. wi-fi is possible to configure from indication area. ShutDown button works.

so all in all--needs to be proper 1080P brought to the System...

UPDATE Orange Pi Android For Orange Pi only
Android_For_Orange_Pi_v1.0 (a Orange pi image)*
Version: Android4.4.2-1.0
Release date: 2015-01-06

It does not start. I tried many times--burned it with PhoenixCard software--just does not start... Android does not work... I cant start it...

UPDATE OrangePi    Bananian

Not REady Yet by Developer

UPDATE Orange Pi Debian

Debian Wheezy 3.4.107

Debian Jessie 3.4.107

Ubuntu Trusty 3.4.107

Have no Clue how install it---this installer which comes in folder with DEbian from opensuse--has no option to chose SD Card....







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 Author| Published in 2015-5-12 16:47:47 | Show all floors
Edited by OrangePiLinux at 2015-5-12 16:56
DigitalToys replied at 2015-5-12 15:37
Very good job you're doing here... excellent to get an overview about the current status of the diff ...

Thanks. I am trying to show what I experience when use it--and also to indicate at problems which definately need to be solved in future...

People should get good experience when they use something--so we need to Polish, Polish and one more time Polish OSs and Android  in order it would become attractive for anyone to use it.
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